all you wanna do is kiss me

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Billie's Pov

We were both pretty hot so we decided to sit down on my couch and talk over the party. It was just us since all my friends disappeared.

"Your girlfriend and your brother don't seem to like me very much." Q pointed out with a small chuckle.

"They like you, it's just their first time meeting you," I reassured. But most of me knew that they probably didn't like him, especially Greyson, even when she had nothing to dislike about him.

I thought it was unfair but whatever.

"Oh okay." He nodded, before looking up at me. "Billie, I gotta say, you always look amazing at your shows. I'm always watching them, and you're just so fucking fire bro."

"Wait, you watch my shows?"

"I've been a fan, girl." He chuckled, charmingly.

I rolled my eyes, letting out a small chuckle. "Stop lying, Q."

"Lying? Hold on, I got you." He said. "How does that song go again? I'm a tough guy, type to make your girl mad and your mama sad." He sang goofily, and very, very, off-key.

"That's not even how it goes," I laughed, watching him brush me off.

He laughed too. "Oh sorry Ms. Eilish, I don't perform this shit 24/7."

"Real fans would know." I teased.

He looked me up and down, almost as if it was soft but flirtatious. "Oh, I'm definitely a real fan."

"Stop dude, my girl's here," I said, attempting to hide my blush.

"You know me well enough to know I don't care." He shrugged, still holding eye contact with me.

"I don't know you at all."

"Okay well, get to know me."


"-girl, just shh." He interrupted, pressing his lips against mine. His hand rested on the side of my cheek, and it took me a few seconds to react.

I pulled away, looking over for Greyson and catching my brother's eyes instead. He looked at me like he'd just seen a ghost and without saying another word, he walked away, shaking his head.

"Fuck! Why the fuck would you do that? You know I'm in a relationship!"

"You obviously don't care that much if you kissed back."

"I— just get the fuck out of our house!"

"Oh, so now it's 'our'." He chuckled, getting up from his spot. "Gimme a call when you got yo' fucking panties out of a bunch." And with that, he walked away.

I immediately went to go find Finneas, I didn't know what he was gonna do... he never looked at me like that before and it kinda broke my heart.

I was mostly worried about Greyson though, this would break hers and mine. I know I fucked up, I should've just walked away or not invited him at all. Greyson clearly said she didn't trust him and I continued to be with him.

I'm so fucking dumb.

Eventually, I caught up to the redhead, who was busy talking with James Blake.

"Hey James, mind if I borrow Finneas for a bit?"

"Hey Billie, no not at all actu—"

Finneas interrupted, turning to me. "-we were actually in the middle of something."

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