A Wonderful Future (Author Insert)

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I am currently making my way to the pre-school to pick up my daughter, Yoko.

I usually walk as it isn't far from our home, saves on not needing to take the car every time.

Not that I ashamed of our humble little Audi A4, but in general things are so close, so what's the point of driving?

Anyways, I soon reach the school and the teachers immediately recognizes me and tells Yoko that her father is here.

Me and my beloved wife decided on "Yoko" as it was pretty close to my beloved's name, just with an Y instead, and spelling it a little different. But we could've gone for spelling her name "Youko", but I think people gets it either way, heh.

"Had a fun day today?" I ask my daughter as she cheerfully nods.

"Pappy, look what I drew! It's you and mommy!" she tells me as she hands me a drawing, and indeed there was me and Touko, drawn to the best of a child's ability.

"You got down perfectly with how beautiful your mom looks." I tell her as I give the drawing back to her and pat her on the head, with her grinning happily at me.

It's no wonder that she really is just a big mix of both me and Touko. She has the eyes and hair colour of me, but her personality and smile are very much like my beloved wife.

Me and Yoko begin walking home, and I decide to give a call to my son, Yoko's big brother, Sam, who got his name somewhat from my name, but it's more just the first letter that is the same.

He should've ended for today as well currently, if I follow his scheme right. Saturdays are usually early as well on that, so we all will be able to come home at the same time.

As he picks up, he says right away that he is just about to take the bicycle home, so he is coming soon.

"See you then, dad." he tells me before we hang up, Yoko by my side, being very happy go lucky of her as usual.

"We can stop by the swings if you want to." I tell her, but she shakes her head.

"No, I wanna go home and watch more of pappy's Godzilla Blu-Rays!"

"Aah, but of course, Yoko. Which one do you want to see today?"

"The one you told me where Godzilla fights aaaaall the monsters!"

"Final Wars, eh? Sure thing, I will bring it out for you to watch." I tell her as she happily jumps around, excited over seeing yet another Godzilla movie.

Godzilla, old buddy, you never fail to entertain a new generation of people everytime, do you? Not complaining though, my daughter being such a big kaiju fan is awesome, and she is loving the various Godzilla toys I gave her that I owned.

My son also does like same things as me, to an extent, but games are still in his league, which is nice, as he catches up faster on gaming news and tends to tell me for hours about new releases, and I love every minute of hearing what our dear son has to say...

"Yoko and Sam might have some features and personality traits from me, but they are very much more like my sweetheart husband~"

I soon begin to remember when Touko told that to her friends that previously used to be her bandmates in Morfonica, before they decided to permanently disband a few years back. But again, they remain very good friends and in good terms, but they just wouldn't have the time due to everyone having families now.

It wasn't as tearful as expected when the last show by Morfonica was played, because all five had already accepted the decision about that the band shouldn't come into the way of family. Even Rui agreed to it, despite her often being the serious one, but even so, her heart is in the right place.

Touko Kirigaya, my beloved ♡Where stories live. Discover now