Chapter 3: Tulio, Patana and Juanin

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Somewhere in a small lounge room Patana and Juanin were waiting for Tulio to finish up with his daily announcements.

"Hey Juanin." Said Patana.

"Yes Patana?" Asked Juanin.

"Do you ever wonder what Juan Carlos doe's on the roof while he plays his guitar every night?" Asked Patana.

"Not really." Said Juanin.

"Me neither." Said Patana.

"Guys! Look what showed up at my dressing room's door." Said Policarpo.

"It's a baby girl." Said Juanin.

"I was wondering what gender it was." Said Policarpo.

"There's a heart jewel. It says that her name is Luna." Said Patana.

Just then Tulio came in.

"What a day." Said Tulio as he transformed into a human.

"Boss. This showed up at my door." Said Policarpo.

"A baby?!" Asked Tulio.

"It's a girl and her name is Luna." Said Patana.

"It says so on this heart jewel." Said Juanin.

"Where did she come from?" Asked Tulio.

"All I remember is that someone knocked on my door and when I opened it I saw her in a basket crying." Said Policarpo.

"Oh boy. First Patana and now this." Said Tulio.

"Can we keep her, please?" Said Patana.

"No we won't." Said Tulio.

"Come on Tulio. You never had a child of you're own. You should give it a chance." Said Juanin.

"Juanin is right. You should be there for Luna. She needs a family after all." Said Policarpo.

Tulio looked at me for a moment and then he came to a decision.

"Well... Alright. Fine. We'll keep her." Said Tulio.

"I never had a sister before. She might be a perfect fit." Said Patana.

"I can teach her how to be a news reporter." Said Juanin.

"And I can teach her how to be a host." Said Policarpo.

"Then it's settled. We're keeping Luna." Said Tulio.

Later that night Tulio tucked me into bed.

"Sweet dreams my little Luna." Said Tulio.

An American born in Mexico (A 31 Minutos Alternate Universe) Part 1-3Where stories live. Discover now