Chapter 2: A sad departure

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My mother passed away and my dad was worried about leaving me behind. He was leaving Mexico in 1 week and he had to try his best on finding me a family.

"Miss, will you take care of my daughter?" Asked my dad.

"No." Said the women.

"Sir, will you take care of my daughter?" Asked my dad.

"Sorry bro. I already have too many kids." Said the man.

"DINNER!" Shouted the man's wife.

"DINNER!" Shouted the man's children.

"I gotta go. Good luck man." Said the man.

"Ok." Said my dad.

About a week went by and my father had no luck.

"Well... Tomorrow is when I take my leave and no one wants to take care of my daughter." Said my dad to himself.

The rain poured down. He was not ready to leave me just yet. But when all hope seemed lost he saw a bright light at a local news station.

"31 Minutos?" My dad asked to himself.

He went to the building and went inside. He found a perfect place for me to call home. He went to one of the stars rooms. Policarpo's room to be exact.

"Luna, I hope you'll have a happier life here. I'm gonna miss you so much. Even though we've only known each other for about a week and a half." Said my dad.

He left me in a basket and covered me in a pink blanket. He left a small heart jewel with my name on it. The heart had a picture of a starry night sky with the moon shining.

"Goodbye, Luna." Said my dad.

He knocked on Policarpo's door and ran off into the rain. Policarpo came out. He was in his human form.

"Who is it?" Asked Policarpo.

He looked around until he looked down and heard me crying.

"A baby... I better tell the boss!!!" Said Policarpo in shock.

He picked me up and carried me into his room.

An American born in Mexico (A 31 Minutos Alternate Universe) Part 1-3Where stories live. Discover now