"What's sakuras main actions when she kills people?" Daniel asks, having a feeling that alpha is more aware of the rest, and acting more friendly than the others. "I know sukuna uses a hunting style, but that doesn't suit her reputation." He adds. Alpha stops in his tracks, and turns around, although remaining worried, he also shows a sense of interest, unlike sakuras.

"Remember when we said about the fact they can never find the bodies?" Alpha asks, letting daniel nod, as alpha pauses, "Well it's serious. They never do find the bodies. Usually because she either makes them ashes, or eats the remains." Alpha stops himself again, looking away as daniel pauses, trying to not let his jaw drop from shock. "Its quite normal for people like sakura to be cannibalistic in nature, it's not rare, but few people know about hers. So don't say shit to anyone, it's a secret for a fucking reason." Alpha warns, as daniel nods, "we have two cannibalistic killers in our group, sakura is one, ryu is the other. All you need to know is don't push their fucking buttons or else." Alpha adds, lifting his sleeve up, showing a part of his arm, as daniel holds his puke back, spotting a part of his upper arm missing, replaced by a clear plastic like substance. "Ryu lashed once, during a experiment, lost the majority of my arm in doing so, keeping her down." Alpha explains, knowing Daniel was curious.

"Then why didn't you order a termination? It was a attack?" Daniel asks, knowing when a killer attacks a worker of any kind, they are ordered into termination. Alpha mutters before looking at daniel with frustration. Maybe that was the worst way to ask. He ponders, stepping aback for a second.

"Because, I didn't see a point to. She's a valued asset, so they have some speciality with keeping accidents like that hidden. I wasn't the only one who lost a part of me. Ryu lost her arm entirely." Alpha gestures, leaning against a table, as daniel stands in the middle of the room, glancing around as alpha waits a minute. "It was a failed test on cybernetics anyway, don't blame her. It was orders." Alpha sighs, guilty by the actions, catching Daniel's attention.

"So you still care about that group? Even though you've caused a lot of their experiments?" Daniel points out, seeing alpha hesitate in pain, totally not human, their all emotionless husks of humans, then what's this? Daniel watches as alpha moves around, not wanting to be reminded of his actions, although he just remains quiet. "Can I say something? When I was reading your file, it stated you and delta are Heisenbergs kids right? Your not a Heisenberg are you?" Daniel asks, making alpha nod quietly, collecting himself.

"No, we share the same mother. My name is Alex volkov, the son of one of the soldiers from a different faculty." Alpha repiles, spotting Daniel remain taken aback, trying to remember where he heard that name from. Alpha chuckles to himself, and stands up. "Yeah, as in the volkov who blew up several facilities. And I thought karma had bad luck with last names." Alpha adds, painfully laughing as daniel can see through it with ease.

"He's a fugitive isn't he?" Daniel mutters, as alpha shrugs, not really caring about it. So that's his name? Maybe ryus family have something to it but I doubt  it, afterall they came from different backgrounds and countries for that matter. Daniel ponders, meanwhile alpha sighs and taps Daniel's shoulder. He jumps from it as alpha laughs and gestures to make a move, letting daniel follow behind him.

"I don't want the rest to know. If they realise karma is related to a volkov, he's done for. To him I'm a Heisenberg ok?" Alpha mutters, keeping his tone as calm as possible, as daniel nods, understanding it completely. "If sakura finds out I'm dead. Ryu already knows, sukuna he won't care." Alpha adds, making daniel think it through. So sakura doesn't know? I saw ryu knowing, she seems to know a lot. Daniel pauses, as alpha carefully opens the door, as his still movements make Daniel pause in fear.

"Midnight walk Alex?" Sakura asks, watching them both carefully. "Its awfully rude to sedate ryu as well, maybe you wasn't keeping your eye on what I said now?" She adds, crossing her arms, making sure their entrance is blocked. Daniel stays as far behind as possible, whilst alpha remains frozen in shock. I've never seen him so scared, and has been attacked by ryu already. Daniel rolls the thought around, before stumbling down, as sakura grabs alphas face, lifting him up leaving alpha to dangle around in a futile sense of fear. "So why did you two leave?" Sakura asks, tilting her head around, still keeping a calm tone, however both are fully aware of her rising anger.

"J-just wanted to get his results back, that's it." Alpha coughs, grabbing sakuras arm, as she glances away for a second, looking at the hallway, then at daniel, still holding alpha in mid air. Nobody even tries to make a sound, as only the sound of the pipes in the walls making any sense of reality.

"That you did, I already knew that. But come on volkov, you think I'm that dense?" Sakura grins, making alpha drop his arms down, shaking in fear. Daniel stays on the floor, still gripping alphas file, as sakura chuckles at their reactions. "Learn to watch your surroundings Alex, you never know if your being followed." She adds, making alpha realise his mistake. But there was generally nobody  around, I was behind him? Daniel gets confused, looking around as sakura drops alpha down. "Oh darling, I won't kill you, your more useful alive. But I'm hurt, that you'd tell him our secrets, as if he was apart of our group." Sakura pauses, before kicking alpha down, stepping on his waist and leaning down. "Why give away valuable information?" She asks, leaning straight over alpha, whilst keeping her leg on his waist, feeling his slow but heavy breathing. Daniel remains in shock, unable to even say a word.

"B-because he was bound to know zeta." Alpha mocks, trying to remain strong, but fails, as sakura grimaces at the name, punching him square in the face, knocking him out with ease. Daniel jumps, standing back up as sakura picks alpha up, and tossed him over her shoulder, catching Daniels fear.

"I'm forbbiden to hurt sukunas pets, so you can live sadly. As for Alex, he'll get his punishment later." Sakura mutters, walking back into the room, as daniel walks in as well, rushing over to his side, watching as sakura throws alphas unconscious body onto the floor, and making her way to his desk, sitting down, leaning her elbow against it and gesturing to daniel, smirking.

"Go to sleep then pet, have a nice sleep." Sakura taunts, watching as daniel shaking, lays down, not wanting to even look sakuras way, still terrified.

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