' if I had you . '

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golden wings hung against porcelain , body submerging into the bath . his shoulders were dusted red , god , this was embarrassing . quackity was watched by the brute , as he turned off the faucet . lukewarm water reaching up to his shoulders , bathtub obviously made for someone much larger than him . legs were pressed against his chest , trying to hide his body . the pig could care less about seeing his exposed skin . " i can wash myself . " a drenched rag was pressed against his face , wiping it from any dirt . patting his scar gently , trying not to pull too hard on healing skin . soapsuds left behind before water washed them away . technoblade just have out a , ' mhmm ' in response . his poet shirt was bunched up at his arms , making sure to not get it wet with every motion .

technoblade handed the other the rag to wash himself . humming as he got up to look through hygiene products . a splash was heard behind him as the duck dipped his head under . he picked up a bottle , it was clear and contained an oil - like substance  . " can you show me your wings ? " he asks , going back to his original place . quackity gave him a strange look before sitting on his feet , and facing away from him . trying to give view of gold feathers . this was what only close relatives , and loved ones were supposed to do . he doesn't know why he had agreed . it's not like he can just get up and out of there . tail whipped behind techno as claw opened the unlabeled bottle . squeezing the half empty bottle in his hand , he smeared it on wings . right where skin and feathers meet . he used to do this with philza , a great bonding time for the two . philza didn't have a oil gland , and techno expected quackity not to have one either . when wings were oily , it was much easier to preen . much harder to wash away , too . technoblade worked from ends to inside . gently plucking off broken feathers , correcting each placement . trying to relief the trauma , and matting that had built up over months .

whenever technoblade reached down towards his back ; he'd arch his back , unknowing chirp leaving his lips . he hated how gently technoblade was being . he had gotten used to jschlatt's hands ripping off his feathers during his drunken haze . feathers would pile next to work shoes . schlatt was an angry man , always spewing hate . he remembers a time when schlatt actually loved him . praise , and loving nothings would linger air . that was a long , long time ago . before the ex - president died ; he'd sit on his lap , tears staining his cheeks , trying not to make ugly noises with every bundle of healthy feathers ripped from where they were planted . blood would spot at new wounds , before getting heavy and spilling over . he'd get called a bitch for messing up schlatt's clothes , and will get sent to their room . their room that only quackity slept in . he only wanted to be seen as equal , it was approval he's after .

quackity had looked over his shoulder when he noticed a brute . he could tell he was focused , hands barely grazing unless needed . he let out a sniffle as his own hand reached up to wipe his tears . technoblade's thumb and index were pinching the tips of his wing to keep it open . other wing closed , and slicked . this was embarrassing , and he hated it . getting seen naked , then preened by a supposed enemy wasn't very .. ideal . his hand splashed once it made it back in the tub , shaking his head . water flying everywhere as he tried to dry his hair and feathered ears . technoblade gave out a grumble , rubbing the droplets off with his sleeve . " i'm almost done , quackity . wait . " techno nudges right between wings , promptly . snickering at quackity's reactions .

as the water went down the drain , techno went to grab a towel . quackity's wings felt nice , no longer weighing down his back . at least  he's happy with that , curling on his body . techno comes back , towel laid out on his hands . he ruffled quackity's hair with it , hair fluffing out as the younger giggled . golden feathers attached at his ears puffing up , too . it was a funny feeling , maybe it's not so bad getting pampered . the other abruptly stopped when he thought it was enough . he glances over , " i'll let you change — , i'll be .. not too far . " he says , as he maneuvered away . hand settled on the door knob , thinking for a quick second . " your clothes are in the sink . i can try to get you more , tomorrow , if you're staying . " with that said ; he opened the door , and left . letting quackity do whatever he wants without any seeing eyes .

OUR LOVE IS SENILE . || QUACKNOBLADE .Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora