' wrong enemy !? '

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the snow crunched below the piglin's feet . with every lumbered few steps , soft stumbling steps accompanied behind . technoblade halts , suddenly , the scampering stopping clumsily . the piglin hybrid looked over his shoulder , " this is your last warning  , quackity . what do you want . " the question sounded more as a demand . he's asked twice , already . no response given . at this point , he's gotten agitated . he thought he had scared away the duck by putting a pickaxe in his skull . sometimes to free a mind , you've got to crack a skull .

the duck's wings closed in to protect himself . the snow nipped at his exposed skin , numbing his fingers. his face lacking emotion , every shallow breath creating dew in the air . quackity stood there , silently , like a deer in headlights . the noises all merging together , colors becoming fuzzy . he doesn't know why he followed technoblade . to be honest , maybe he doesn't know who he's following . all he knew was the pink blob wasn't hurting him , and sounded nice .

on closer inspections ; you could see the dark circles under the duck's eye(s) . the stitches on his scar faded away , socket empty without it's eye . snow flakes sprinkling around raven colored hair , melting as soon as they appear . painted reddened cheeks and nose , with chapped bitten lips .

technoblade gave an unpleasant grunt , hard and heavy with a slight wet sound to it . he wouldn't attack someone harmless , would he ? there was no sign that quackity had a weapon on him . neither was his almost star - struck behavior . he began to walk again , he was just trying to arrive home . this didn't stop the avian . now quackity's following close behind , about a foot away . if the piglin were to look back , now . he would be faced with starry eyes , and an awe expression . this was new to the anarchist . it's almost as if ,, quackity forgot who he was . seeing him as someone he looked up to instead of the person techno really is . the voices whispered amongst themselves , confused .

a coin flips and decides chosen fate , heads let's the gold duck keep his head , and tails decides the ' unpredictable ' doom . tan fingers twist and turn , hands wringing together ; the duck's cold . chapped lips open for a moment , until a single chirp was audible . this caused the voices to up in volume . like crows , pecking at technoblade's head .

' dont trust quackity ' ' E ' ' BLOOD FOR THYE BLOOD GOD ' ' lonelyity ' ' /hidechat ' ' what's he doing? ' ' home home! '

technoblade shakes his head , trying to shake away the crows . he remembers when quackity followed the others , just like this . never wearing armor , running around practically naked . he complained how clothes restricted his wings . he remembers the first time they met ; the pure fear that had purged delicate features . that was long ago . now he was constantly on guard due to the piglin's action . at least , that's what he liked to believe . he rarely ever saw golden wings , anymore . he had wondered if they had gotten clipped . techno almost missed the carefree quackity — the old quackity that always barked out in laughter .

his train of thought was abruptly stopped by a thud . he whipped around , a hand gripped on the handle of a sword . a quick scan around , there was no danger visible . looking down , he saw a fallen quackity . bold colors shaming the shades of white around it . the flock of voices squawking at him . all of them agreeing that he has to do something . no . it was his option to choose . shall he plumage a sword through spine , or try to help the duck . then again , a game of cat and mouse wouldn't be as fun without a little challenge .

the avian's body laid in an uncomfortable position . technoblade hovering over the male for a moment , thinking . he gripped the neck of quackity's shirt  , huffing him up into his arms . golden rings on a chain rubbing together , creating small clinks . he inspected quackity's fingers while he positioned him into his arms . his fingers were cold and red , definitely going to blister if he doesn't get to heat soon . he positioned the bird into a bride's cradle ; hands to his chest , head hidden between a crevice . stubby golden wings hanging , seemingly uncomfortablely . a large clawed hand making sure to cover them both completely . it's always easier to do worse than it is to do good . technoblade is far too aware of that .

'/rainbowchat ' ' LET HIM FREEZE ' ' technoblade bf '  '@dream ' ' WJAT DID I MISS '

those were the only ones he was able to decipher . half of the crows screamed profanities , the others sounded as if they were awwing . he curses under his breath , how fragile humans are . let alone those akin to ducks . the day he decides to walk on foot this has to happen . now he carries dead weight all the way back to his cabin . feathers of guilt weighing down upon brute shoulders . crimson eyes grow much more alarmed of their surroundings . orbs darting towards any small sound .

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( 827 words . )

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