The seat was reasonably comfortable, and the journey would take a while. Wu Xi didn't even notice when he fell asleep. But when he open his eyes again it was dark outside. He must have slept for several hours. He had no real reason to wake up again, no loud noises, no sudden movement, it just happened and even though he wanted to, he couldn't fall asleep again.

So, Wu Xi looked outside, hoping for something interesting. He could barely see that the train was currently driving though woodland. The window reflected the inside of the train. Just staring into the window, was the perfect task for someone who wasn't yet fully awake.

It took Wu Xi several more minutes before his mind also retuned form the half comatose condition it had been in. And he didn't feel well. No wonder, he had skipped a meal, and his body was rebelling.

He could still remember the words of the doctor, when he left hospital. In order to recuperate he should eat and drink properly and watch out not to put too much stain on his body. And it looks like he wasn't even able to abide to such simple rules.

Wu Xi gave a resigned sigh, when the train suddenly came to a halt. They stopped, right in the middle on nowhere. When he had seen in correctly there were only a lot of trees around.

He wondered why they had stopped, when Panzi got up and took both their backpacks. Only shortly tapping Wu Xi on his shoulder motioning him to follow.

"What's going on?" He whispered to Panzi, not wanting to wake up the other passengers. Why would they change seats in the middle of nowhere?

Panzi just hushed him. Before opening a window and throwing their backpacks out. This just has to be a joke. Wu Xi held his head.

With all the thing he had experienced before, why hadn't he seen this coming.

Of course if you are planning to just jump out in the middle on nowhere, a plane was a bad choice. And that was exactly what Panzi did, jumping after the backpacks out of the window.

"What are you waiting for? Get out right now." Panzis voice carried inside the train.

If he had a choice he'd rather not. Wu Xi sigh again, but who would even think about asking him. Really, they should have just taken a car. He could have even asked his assistant to drive them.

Then Wu Xi climbed out of the window, being a lot more careful then Panzi. He still had bad memories about the last fall he took. So, he let himself drop from the minimal height possible. Only to stumble and fall as soon as he hit the ground.

Lucky me, Wu Xi almost groaned, getting back up and looking around. It really was a forest. But he wasn't given much time to orientate himself before he had to run after Panzi.

He had already taken the backpacks and waited for him to follow.

"What is going on?"

Wu Xi has really been patient enough with this situation, but when things were like this he would rather have all the available information. Because jumping out of a train window wasn't a thing, he would do just for the fun of it.

"You can listen while walking."

They first went far enough into the forest, so they were out of sight and earshot of the train before Panzi stopped and took out his phone. Sending a message before using GPS to orientate himself in the woods.

At this point Wu Xi had already stumbled several times. It was hard to walk with no way of seeing the ground. It was really a good thing that Panzi was the one carrying the backpacks not him.

"Talk" Wu Xi demand, when Panzi was apparently ready to go.

"You see your uncle isn't in Changsha anymore. And this hole thing is a real chaos right now. Apperently there is another group messing with things. To slow them down your uncle got the police involved. And I noticed some undercover agents on the train, getting involved now is no good. So, we had to out run them and that was just a perfect opportunity. There is a car waiting for us on the next road. Let's hurry."

When he heared that they run from the police Wu Xi stubled again. This time crashin into the ground. He seriously didn't know what to blame for this.

The ground darn uneaven and what Panzi was saying didn't really help. Ritght now he had every reason to curse.

A year ago he still had been an completely normal upright citicen. And now he had to run from the police.

Panzi helped him back on his feet.

"What else?" Wu Xi asked. This time trying to hold his balance while walking.

He was really out of practice. The thing he needed the least gight now was to break a bone again.

"I'm sorry young master."

"what do you mean?"

"I don't know more either. Like I said we havt to wait for Changsha."

Wu Xi again felt really blessed with his family. They aren't there when he could need them and don't even nother about informing him about anything.

Again sighning he surrenderedbto his current fate. What choice did he really have, still stumbling around in the woods of who knows where.

After a while he got used to walking in the dark, and didn't stumble as often as before anymore.

After being in the hospital for this long others would go into a rehabilitation centre but that would be far too normal for him.

After several more minutes they finally arrived at a road. It was only a wait of a few more minutes. Apparently Panzi had alredy suspected something of the sortes and had the car following the train.

Wu Xi opted for waiting in silence. Even if Panzi chould know more than he said, he wouldn get it out of him. At least not before they arrived.

Instead of taking the car all the way to their destination it only transported them for a few houres to another train station.

Panzi had made him change his clothes in the car. Before he dragged him onto the train again.

And it was really the train. The very same one they had jumped out of only a few houres before. Only this time a differend wagon.

Panzi had already tould him that they would leave a few stations before the Changsha main station and then use a bus into the mmountains.

Wu Xi didn't feel like anything was going to go wrong in the near future again. So he decided to close his eyes. Only waking up when Panzi shook him, they had to change vehicles.

The bus ride was more exciting, if one could call it that. At least it was bright outside again. And Wu Xi liked to watch the Nature passing by. They really took all the back roads.

Wu Xi couldn't stop himself from thinking about the letter again. Was it just a hoax after all? He couldn't believe Lao Yang would bother so much just to trick him. And he really had been able to read the rest of the letter written in different scripture. Wu Xi was really darn sure he hadn't learned that one before, or even seen it, yet he had been able to read it without any problems.

Probably it was really meant as a heads up, a warning that those crazy things that had happened to them, would now happen to him all the time. So, Wu Xi wouldn't be too shocked when he accidentally conjured up a gigantic python again. Just thinking about this possibility gave him a serious headache.

This would turn his daily life into a hell, a real deadly one. And how should he explain all the stuff just suddenly appearing out of nowhere around him?

If it was legit, he had to become a hermit. By, by normal live.

He probably should have thought more about the consequences when he picked up tomb robbing. Running from the police and accidently magicking scary things up, hadn't really been on his list of things he wanted to do at that time. – And it still wasn't for that matter.

Hopefully his live wouldn't turn into a nightmare.

Wu Xi could only sigh and wish for the best.

When they finally arrived at a small mountain village with barely one small shop around Panzi dragged him of the bus.

They had finally arrived where Panzi wanted to go.

At least when they talked about where to go next, he had pointed to the only shop here. And then walked it that direction.

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