" Ah taemin sorry for that. Let's meet someday " I said and Jungkook still didn't had any negative signs . I hung up.

  " Now cuddle me close " he said showing his cute Bambi doe eyes I cooed and cuddled him closer

  We spent the whole day great .

  Instead of ignoring him how it would be if I made it simple .. let me make an idea ..

  I came up with an idea and did the precautions to the idea.

  " Baby " I said and he looked at me lying next to me on bed .

  " Let's go on a date tomorrow " I said getting to plan he smiled brightly showing his bunny teeth and kissed me softly I kissed back and pecked his forehead.

Next day:

     I woke up and Jungkook went to his apartment to get ready for the date it is in 11 a.m and it's 10.30 aldready I quickly dressed and told him to arrive at the restaurant which I set the plan .

   I gone before him there and hid somewhere I know this is creepy...but it's not like I don't trust him ... but I wanna know is he trusting me or ..

   I saw the girl who is gonna act and gave a thumbs up.. aish I really don't want to be like this ...but ..

   Jungkook came in as handsome as he is and sat on a table after searching for me . I made myself hiding yet can hear what he is gonna tell and do.

   The woman came to Jungkook
" Are you the Jeon Jungkook?!" She asked and he awkwardly nodded.

" Yeah .. why?!" He asked .

" See I wanna tell you something real quick " she said and he frowned and looked at her but nodded anyway.

  " Your boyfriend is Jimin as Park Jimin right?!" She asked and he nodded

  " Yeah he is and also my fiance " he said voice bold

  " Oh.. sad of you I think he cheats on you" she said I saw him fisting his palm.

  " What makes you think so" he asks voice intimating making the woman gulp

  " W.well wouldn't he ..I saw him talking with a girl giggling a few days ago and he even took her to her house and drove away at night " she said lying . Jungkook seemed calm now tho.

  " He is a sweetheart he wouldn't wanted the girl to be in danger at night so he would have dropped and you said he drove away " he said calmly.

  " Yes.. but you know she was literally pushing her body against his " she said

  " And .. what did he do ?!" He asked calm and composed.

  " Well he didn't did anything.. maybe he liked?!" He chuckled .

  " I am damn sure he wouldn't liked it " he said confident and calm.i smiled

  " Any why do you think so ?!..he maybe cheating on you" she said

  " Listen here lady . I Aldready know him very well and that flirty hot man only flirts with me , for me and you know what.. I am here just for his and mine date " he said calmly and proudly puffing his chest I chuckled under my breath.

  " Maybe your loss" she said and walked away he just looked at the window excitedly and chuckled softly shaking his head I then made my way from front door to him seeming surprised .

  " Oh you came soon sorry cup cake ~~ I just took time to dress up " I said wanna know what he will do to me after the talk .

  " It's ok jiminie . I came just few minutes ago " he said I pecked his lips he blushed and looked at me shyly.

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