He eyes filled with tears. I held his hand and intertwined my hand in his encouraging him to continue.... He knows that. We never need words, our eyes and our small things are enough like now....

Sid: mom is a dancer but she stopped dancing after dad passed away. She used to just handle the fashion designing company. I loved dancing. She made me a dancer. I want to surprise her so without her knowledge I participated in a dance event and also I won the competition. I want to surprise her so I called her telling her to come to the place I said immediately. I was waiting outside the gate to welcome her and show her my trophy she was a little far from me but I can see the car then suddenly a truck came and hit the car. I just froze on the spot can't able to believe what I saw. It's all happened so suddenly and quickly that when I came back to my conscious I lost my mom too.....

It's a pure fiction don't take anything seriously. Pls.....

Sid: from that day I became depressed. I used to get nightmares of that night. Dada got to know this and consulted a psychiatrist. I somewhat became normal. I started handling mom's boutique along with a manger managing my studies. Dada wants to become a lawyer so I started working hard and slowly stepped into the other business too. After working day and night here I am with my own empire.

He completed proudly.... I am happy and proud of him as well. Now my respect and love on him increased 100 times more.....

Sid: but ukw  I am reason for mom's death if that day I didn't ask her to come then she won't come. Right? She may be alive here today and may live with me. Dada never once blamed me for anything after this incident also he showed love on me. I felt very guilty.... He always said that I never did it wantedly..... But whenever I saw him I felt very guilty. He already lost dad's love. I became a reason for him to loose mom too.....

I hugged him and started caressing his hair. I felt tears on my neck  I know he is crying. He need to cry till today there are noone in his life who wants to listen to his story. World kept portraying him as a perfect, hardcore businesses man but he has his own flaws too. He is living in pain too.... Seeing his own mother death infront of his eyes. He eyes pained. It's need a medicine. I will be that medicine. I laid him on my lap and caressing his hair. He is hugging my stomach and still crying bitterly. My eyes became teary too listening his sobs.

Avu: nothing is ur mistake here siddu. It's just fate and destiny. U believe in god and fate right?

He slowly nodded.

Avu: so yeah! God wants good people to be with him that's why he takes them away from us. He is giving u pain means he is testing how strong u are. He wants u to fight and over come ur problems and all. If u keep on being like this then it will be ur fear try to over come it make it ur strength then God will be happy as u passed ur test.

I kissed his forehead. He is still hugging me from stomach and by this my stomach filled with butterflies. A blush crept on my cheeks. Thank god! That siddu isn't seeing me or else it would be so embarassing.....

Sid's pov

I felt like a weight lifted off my shoulder after telling her everything. I want to open up with her before I tell her about my feelings. Yes! I am in love with her. I love her. That's why I brought her here where I feel like home and she is sitting beside me made it feel really like a home. She became my home......

I never realised in this three months that thinking about her I am moving on. I didn't use to get any night mares infact I started dreaming about her....

These three months with her are purely a bliss.

I do not want anything other than her beside me. I can fight against the world for her..... She became my medicine.

We went to house again and ate dinner with everyone and left to our rooms to sleep......

The next morning we gather in the dinning table to eat breakfast but avi is nowhere so I went to her room to call her but her room is empty.... There is a letter on the light stand. I picked it up.

  Dear family,

I am going away not because u all are treating me wrong or I am not comfortable to be here... I am more than comfortable and happy to live with u all.... But u all know right.? My life is a bad luck. I don't want u all to suffer from my problems. I can't let go there and make my life hell again as well as I can't live here and make u people worry again so I am going far away from u all. Far away from my problems again.....

This three months are perfectly blissful for me. I can live with these memories for life long..... I will miss u all.....

I know u people will be with me, beside me to help me fight with my problems especially u siddu.... But I can't risk ur lives for my own life. I can never be that much selfish.....

I love u didu and dada. Will miss u both. Thank you so much dada for showing me a father's love.

Reemu I will miss u. I know jai bhai will keep u happy. My good wishes are always with u both. I may not be there for ur marriage. I love you both.....

Lastly, siddu. I am so sorry. I am leaving u in the middle. I am sorry I am not letting u complete my dreams but to tell u a truth my dream already became true. I craved for love and happiness and I  got here with u all..... I found a new friend and companion in u siddu. Thanks for standing beside me always..... I will miss u

I can't let Rahul come in my life again....

So I am going somewhere where u people can't find me but don't worry I will be alive. I want to live with all of ur memories......

With love,


  She left!?

To be continued.......

Avneet left?

What now?

What's next????


Yup!! I am giving regular updates coz I want to complete this book in this week.........!!!!!!!!

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