Chapter 5-A beautiful gift, One for All vision, Rules and Making the hero suit

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 I reached there to see the room lights off. Noice. I can now easily sneak in to the main living room using the spare key I had. Which was a bit difficult as it was possible the door might creak and will make a sound. But somehow I entered so I felt myself lucky. I turned on the flashlight on my phone so I don't have to alert the girls with the living room light on, most accurately the neko eared girl coz she definitely might have some kind of cat mutant quirk and might have keen ears and eyes.

But the sight before me terrorized me. There were empty fish cans on the ground, juice drops spread over the whole floor and crumbs of other snacks spread. HOLLY SHIT!! These girls are cannibals man! I thought they will sleep as soon as I leave them here but f**k my luck. I need to ask them to not do this again or else I might not be the polite and sweet guy from the next time as its a pain in the ass, not only that but also I don't like trashed area.

So I started to clean up the mess they made, which did not took me long as I had done these sorts of things during my time at my former house. After cleaning, I put my bags on the sofa, wrote a letter for them stating that I will come back after a few hours as I had a few errands to work on, then stuck it on the front side of the fridge and left the house towards my warehouse.

I first cut out the makeshift respirator from the sheet, hardened it and fitted the straps. Then I designed the hood to shape it into bunny ears coz I know they will be loved my children. I then designed a red belt to carry my utilities and also my axe. I then started working on the costume. First I needed to change the colour of the cape. It was white and had two yellow buttons on the neck part. At first I thought to change the colour to green and blue but then decided to go for yellow for the cape and green for the buttons in respect to my grandpa. It was easy since the buttons were a little big and cape was small in size, reach only upto my waist and not down anymore. Then started the hard part, the rest of the costume. I first started with the gloves which was done pretty quickly. Just needed to change its colour. I tinted it a bit with brown and also made a blue border on the top part of the wrist. That done, next was the jumpsuit. It was sap green in colour, I remembered having bought this as a memorabilia of Turq Polas or my 'mom'. I was disgusted at it, since it reminded me of her and also the sap green colour was very bad and bland looking, so I changed the color to green, complete emerald green and made the stripes from white to black. It was a little difficult, considering the suit was a little glossy and the paint didn't stayed on it. I somehow managed to do it though. That done, now came the knee pad part.

I bended the two thick aluminium sheets to make them fit my knees. It was difficult to extend the knee pads upto my thighs, since I had to use a thin, not too much, just enough to be a little sturdy, layer of aluminium along with a sturdy big piece of cloth I had found nearby. I covered the layer with the sturdy cloth on both the sides and bended it to fit my leg, then used one of the bolts to keep them in place. I then had an idea! I will fit the knee pad there, the place where the two ends of the cloth meet and are fixed with the bolt. I drilled four holes in the pad at the sides, then laid it over the part of the layer of the metal where my knees are located, after making sure the open ends are closed beneath it, then fitted the bolts. I decided to sew the rest of the leftover open ends. I did this using a very sharp needle, very sharp, I had sharpened it too much it had easily pierced through. After sewing, I wore it one last time to make sure its fitting, which it did. I should be able to take out all the woven part of the of the closed ends, enabling me extend its diameter in the future if I grow some muscle in the legs. Then I painted it completely black and the bolts completely yellow, not the glowy yellow but the dull yellow as it perfectly fitted into my image of the costume. All this took me 50 min. That being done, I let the paint dry with the jumpsuit, cape and gloves beside it, then started working on the second pad, which took me another 45-50 min to complete and kept it beside the other one to let it dry. 

I stood up, stretched my arms a bit, drank some water and ate some pancakes which I had made earlier and then refocused. Now came the torso part. I needed to make a small armor of my shoulders using the leftovers of the aluminium sheet. I took one of them and bended it on my shoulder. I then realized I needed the jumpsuit because this part will be fixed in the torso so I just measured how much it would cover my shoulders and cutted it that way. That being done, I covered it with another sturdy piece of cloth to match it with my other clothing. I made it a little thin coz then I would look weird. Then painted it whole white and left it to dry, which took me at least 1 hr 23 mins, most time was taken at measuring it to my shoulder and getting slapped by it. I completed the other one also, though it took me just 1 hr. I started running dryers over them to dry them faster. I estimated that it will take me at least half an hour to dry the paint if I used the dryers non-stop. I did this for half an hour while listening to music. After half an hour or actually 40 min, I stopped the dryers to check the colors actually dried over. I had used non-washable paint on them so these can't be washed away by water. 

Then I put on my jumpsuit and fixed the white plate over my shoulders, which roughly took me 10 min and my mask. The I wore my gloves, the cape and the aerogel shoes and stood before the mirror. Not gonna I look


I mean without the cape. So I decided to wear it in the future. And my vigilante name will be Dekiru. Since Kac-no, Bakugo dogs, Todoroki shits and Assed Izumi have been calling me useless, a 'deku' from 'dekunobu', I will call myself 'Dekiru' and will change it later to Deku so as to avoid suspicion. I packed up the rest of the things excluding my costume and gears and went for my home. Damn! It has been a long day!

The Second Chance Hero: Dekuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن