Chapter 16

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"Morning sunshine" Bucky said when he woke me up. Half a week passed since the ball. Tony still didn't know that I was drunk that night. So we all don't talk about it. I hadn't seen Peter since it. The day after he had already left when I woke up and that was the start of the vacation... He hadn't answered any of my texts either. Was he really mad with me? Anyways. I texted Ned this afternoon to ask why Peter wouldn't answer my texts. 'Dunno. Said something about you and Bucky or something. Dunno who that is, but he'd see you tonight.' 'mkay, thanks' so he was still mad... That actually sucked cause I know it's my fault. But well yeah, hope Ned is right and that I'd see him today. "Morning" "Merry Christmas" "Merry Christmas Bucky. Let's go downstairs for the presents!!" "What are you, 5?" "No... I just love Christmas. A lot" "I figured. You've been listening to Christmas music the past 3 weeks already. "Started listening 2 months ago already, you just didn't notice" "damn Stark" "What? I just love the music and the vibes and everything" "Sure let's go." We came in the living room where a Christmas tree from 10 meters was standing and there were a lot of presents underneath them. "Merry Christmas Y/N" Tony said and put on a Christmas hat on me. "you too Barnes" "it's in the family huh? Christmas fanatics." "I think so yes" I said and put on the Christmas Tony gave me. Tony was like a small kid on Christmas Pepper told me. "Presents people" He said. "Tony, I thought we'd have breakfast first" "Screw breakfast. We want presents" this was wayyy to fun. "Fine then, first presents and the breakfast will be like a brunch probably" "Yay" he said and kisses Pepper on the forehead. Pepper smiled and we went to the living room. Everyone sat down and we started (Everyone is: Pepper, Tony, Bucky, Natasha, Steve, Wanda and Happy. You could really see Tony and I were Stark's being Christmas obsessed. It was so fun, everyone gave and got so many amazing presents. You had to give everyone a present. I gave Pepper a cookbook from a blogger she followed, Tony a mug with 'Best dad' and a ton of his favorite candy, Natasha a hoodie and a kit for making hot chocolate, Bucky a shirt (the left sleeve being detachable) and a box set of all the hobbit dvds (he didn't stop talking about them. He's a real hobbit nerd) , Steve a book from everything important that happened in the 21st century, Wanda a book she wanted to have really bad and gave Happy a shirt with: best driver and security from Tony Stark. He absolutely loved it more than I expected. The presents I got were from Pepper a couple of clothes she didn't fit in anymore. Knowing I love them, including the suit I wore to the Mockingjay premiere , from Tony a picture frame that had like a photo slideshow, from Natasha a book I wanted , from Bucky a necklace, from Steve a hoodie , from Wanda a picture album with pictures of us, and from Happy a pair of boxing gloves. He said he'd give me lessons. Which was really cool. Didn't even know he boxed. Said he did it barely since Natasha kicked his ass once some years ago. It was cool though.(Author's note: I don't know regular Christmas gifts that are given in America since I'm not American nor live there. I don't know how big the presents are. I just did things a bit more expensive than what you'd give for a birthday)After presents we did have the breakfast, that pepper turned into a brunch. That became more of a lunch. It was really delicious though. I helped Natasha with her hot chocolate kit and Bucky, her and me watched a Christmas movie; home alone and after that one the Grinch. Before the movies I put on my hoodie I got from Happy, it was really soft from the inside and the movies were great. I had never seen Grinch yet but I did see home alone a couple of times already, home alone was still just amazing. That evening Tony had organized a Christmas dinner and then a little party. I changed into the suit I got from Pepper for the dinner and the party. Everyone was there who was there this morning including a lot of other people. Including those people was Peter. "Hey, Merry Christmas" "Merry Christmas" "Uhm are we good? Cause don't really have the feeling we are. You haven't answered my texts since that night. I was drunk. I'm so sorry, I really don't wanna lose you as a friend." "Yeah of course we are. I kinda knew already since your birthday that it would be him and not me. About not answering the texts. My phone broke, swing accident. Didn't Ned tell you?" "He must've forgotten it. But thank you for us being cool. You're the first friend I made here. I don't wanna lose you" "I don't wanna lose you either." "You should talk to that girl MJ by the way. She sits at our table during lunch. She likes you, you probably didn't notice. But she likes you, you should talk to her when we get back" "mhm, maybe I should. She always looks so lonely" We sat down next to each other with the dinner and Bucky sat down on the other side. Damn Tony really didn't spare any expense. I saw so much food on the table. It was really a lot, but we were with a lot of people. We all ate, laughed and had so much fun. The food was so amazing. I talked more with Peter than with Bucky since Peter barely knew anyone here and Bucky did know a lot of people here. After the dinner there was a little party. Wasn't that big, well what you can call Tony Stark small. It was just a pretty adult party, kinda boring but the drinks and the music were good. Yeah okay it were all Christmas songs and all Christmas songs are just amazing. "Hey, look over there. Someone, probably Tony, hang up a mistletoe. Let's go over there and say to people they're underneath it. Those people need to kiss." "Mrs Romanoff and Mr Rogers are walking almost underneath it!!" Peter almost yelled and pointed at the little plant. "Let's go over there." We got to Natasha and Steve. "Hey Steve, guess what" "what?" "You and Natasha we're just underneath the mistletoe. I don't know if they had that in the 40's but Natasha knows what to do" "yes we had them in the 40's and yes I know what to do. Nat?" "Little Stevie is gonna blush again?" I said teasing him and he answered "Hey, I'm 6'1. You're like what? 5'7. Don't call me little" "fine, but I just know you're gonna blush." "We'll see about that. Natasha?" "Yeah, I know what to do. Come here" Natasha and Steve kissed and damn Steve didn't even blush a little afterwards. "What did I tell ya? Merry Christmas Y/N" "sure, Merry Christmas Steve" "that was so much fun" Peter said. "Let's go stand here by the table, I'm sure there will be so many people walking underneath it" he suggested. "This is gonna be a fun night" in the next hour 3 lucky couples walked underneath it. An old man and lady (that one was just adorable and sweet) one was between Wanda and Vision (that one was also just really sweet. Wanda had to explain first what the mistletoe meant) and the last one was definitely the best. Tony and Bruce. It was kinda uncomfortable and Bruce blushed so hard afterwards, cause when they walked underneath it. I pointed up which Tony saw and the man just went for it. So it was a total surprise for Bruce. "Y/n" Bucky said when I had left Peter for a moment "Yeah?" "Heard from Sam that Stark and Banner kissed. That true?" "Hell yes it's true. There's a mistletoe over there. Peter and I have been watching people over the past hour there." "Oeh let me come. I wanna see, sounds too funny" He took me by my arm, but we took a turn in front of the table. "You little-" "uh" he pointed up showing the mistletoe. "You little shit. You really wanna watch those people or did you just wanted to kiss me?" "Maybe both" "come here Barnes" I put my arms around his neck, pulled him in and kissed. "woewoew" Wanda said and I turned around to her. "oh come on, you saw me and Viz too" "Fair enough" "Wanna join us watching other people kiss?" "Sure, I did my job tonight" he said grinning and took a sip from his drink.With the after party Tony suggested to play a game. "we are gonna play a game people. Truth or dare" "Really creative Tony" Natasha said knowing damn well what happened the last time "thank you Romanoff, I'll go first. Mhmmm Rogers," "Truth" first celeb crush" "Were really back in 6th grade, are we?" I asked him. "for tonight we are" "uhm Katharine Hepburn, dang if she'd still be alive she would be like 100 or something" "so are we pal, so are we" Bucky answered him. "okay next. Bucky" "Dare" "4 straight vodka shots" "you know I can't get drunk, right?" "I can't either. Just do it oh and the little trick after." Both guys seemed to know what the little trick was because Bucky smiled when Steve mentioned the thing. We prepped the shots and Bucky took them straight after each other put the little cups on each other, blew and the little tower fell. "tadaaa" he said proudly when he was finished with the act. We all clapped and continued the game. "okay mhm Parker" "oh I'm not playing" "yes you are. Come on Peter it's Christmas" "fine. Truth" "not to extreme Barnes." I warned him. "Thing that made you sit for the longest time" "star wars marathon last year. 21 hours" "No pee break or something?" I asked. "Nope, not once" "damn Parker. I'm impressed" "Thanks. Y/N. Truth or dare?" "Pfff. I'm going for dare. "Go outside right now in these clothes and make a snow angel" "sure Parker. Very creative honestly" I got outside, some people followed me like Peter, Natasha and Bucky. Others stayed seated. I got outside and it was so cold. "okay, here I go" I let myself fall on the ground and made the snow angel. A moment later I got back on my feet. "tadaaa. Let's get back inside. It's freezing" "good idea." Peter said. We got inside and continued the game that ended so much better than last time. No one was mad at each other. No one had to kiss or something. It was just a lot of fun. Around 00:30 I was honestly exhausted and got to bed. I hoped Bucky wouldn't have any nightmares tonight cause Peter stayed here and I don't think he liked it very much. He said during dinner he didn't really like the vibes of it. So I couldn't make him go there again. We shared the bed that night, Bucky didn't have any nightmares so that was good. That was really good.

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