Chapter 5

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Warning: This chapter is long as hellllll

I'm a month in New York now, school is alright. No one talked about what happened in the gym, except Flash of course who was way too proud that he saw me crying. My friends at school are of course Peter and Ned, Betty is too. We met up a couple of times, we went to the movies together. That was amazing. So we're friends. Tony and I saw Mockingjay part 1, he literally bought premiere tickets for Mockingjay part 2 for in November. That takes another 2 months, but he did. I really like spending time with him, I haven't really had a dad for 12 years. Now I have one for 4 years and now I'm with him for at least another 5 months! So that's nice. I know now almost all of the Avengers now. I like Wanda the most. She's the youngest of them, 24. We get along pretty good. I help her with her English, she's from Sokovia so her English isn't amazing yet. She has an accent, it's kinda cute. She learns me Sokovian, it's a pretty cool language. Now I can even make the fake dad story better if like people ask: so you're father is from Europe. Which country? And can you speak the language? I decided to go for Sokovia, that he probably died there because of the robot attack there. And yes I can speak the language, and then I can just speak some Sokovian words! The other Avengers are nice too. Tony let's me just join the meetings, I'm like 'the girl in the chair' for them. There hasn't happened something big yet, I'm not officially part of the team either, I'm just helping them I think.

It's a Saturday afternoon, I just finished running and I decide to go take a shower. I'm just on time because it starts raining like hell there's even some thunder. Seriously Thor? He's back in Asgard so I can't do a lot about it. Some people say you shouldn't take a shower during a thunderstorm cause you could get hit and like die. I showered a dozen of times with the thunder so why not now. And I don't think the tower can't really get hit by the thunder. I grab a towel and fresh clothes and go to the shower. I hear the thunder rumbling, but I'm safe and warm inside. I put on some music and put on the shower. I grab the shampoo and body wash. And that was the stupidest decision I made. After 5 minutes of showering the water beneath me and above me shocked, I wanted to get out ASAP but I slipped and fell. "FUCK" I yelled. I did got out of the shower and tried putting a towel around me so if I'd passed out the person that would find me wouldn't see me naked. I failed that. Cause the last thing I remember was grabbing a towel and then everything just went black.I don't know how much time had passed. Maybe like half an hour? Maybe 2 hours? I had no clue cause I woke up with Tony, Pepper and a guy that looked like Jesus that I didn't know. I was wearing clothes but it wasn't sitting comfortable, i don't blame them it's hard to change someone that's unconscious. It wasn't the first thing I noticed but when I tried to sit up I fell down immediately because of a bad headache. "Oh sweetheart. Don't try to sit up, it'll hurt." Pepper said. It definitely hurt. "How long was I out? And who found me?" "Well all the 3 of us heard you cursing in the bathroom and then a loud thud. I think James here was by you first" "You mean Jesus here?" "Bucky actually, James Buchanan 'bucky' Barnes. Yes" "Damn that's a long name. I like Jamie more as a nickname" "You've been passed out for like 3 hours I think. It took Pepper an hour before she could dress you" "So just pepper saw me naked cause I remember that I couldn't grab a towel on time" "Yeah." "Mkay" "Should I get you something like food or something to drink?" Pepper asked. "just a glass of water please and I'm freezing so maybe a blanket? In my room I got one on the chair" "I'll grab the blanket" Tony said and walked away, Pepper followed him getting a glass of water. "You saw me didn't you?" "What?" "You saw me naked, Tony said you were the one that found me. I'm sure you saw me. Don't lie." "Yeah I saw you. I didn't want to like say it with your dad in the room" "that's understandable. You can just say Tony by the way." "Alright doll" "Did you just really call me 'doll?"' "No" "Yes yes you did" I said grinning. "You have a metal arm? That's so cool!" I said and I reached to it. Right before I hit it it showed little sparks and we both got a little shock" "that's not supposed to happen. I shouldn't be able to feel that" Bucky said "Huh weird. Let's try again" and again we got a shock when we got close. "That's really weird" "Nevermind I guess." Then Tony came in back again with a blanket "Hey what happened to the lights?" Bucky nor me noticed but the lights were off. "I have no idea" Tony put them on again and handed me the blanket. "thanks" "Can you try standing up?" "I don't know, I think I may have sprained my ankle." "Just try" I pushed myself from the couch I was laying on. I thought my left foot was fine. It wasn't cause I felt my feet struggle like hell "I can't." I said when I fell back on the couch. Pepper came in with a glass of water, handed it to me and asked: "Hey what's wrong?" "I can't stand up. Like my feet don't let me. I tripped over the edge of the shower. I think I sprayed my ankles or something" "and you can't even stand?" I shaked my head. "Then we gotta get to a hospital" "But Pepper nor me can go with you. You don't know how fast a word travels, the press will be there really soon and some smartass there will figure out that you're my daughter" "But I'm under 21 I can't go to a hospital without a parental consent. They won't treat me." "Barnes goes with you, he's an adult" "101 to be exactly" Tony sighed. "Just call when you know what's wrong and we'll try to visit you as soon as possible. Alright?" "Alright" "Good. Happy will bring you." "Thanks... Dad" "You're welcome sweetie" I was stupid enough to forget that I could barely help. Tony and Pepper had already left the room. "Wait let me help you" Bucky said and he lifted me." "Hey it doesn't shock." "What?" "The arm. It doesn't shock my hand" "oh yeah of course. I gotta grab a glove. It'd be kinda weird if some guy brings you in with a metal arm" "that'd be weird" he put me down and came back with a glove. "There we go again" he said and lifted me again. We took the elevator and at the entrance Happy was standing in front of the car and the door was open" "Let's go" he said. "Can't this guy go with you?" Bucky suggested. " Oh no no no no. I don't do good with hospitals." Happy answered immediately. "Okay, let's go" it took 15 minutes to drive. At the door of the car Bucky lifted me again. Happy would go find a parking spot and would wait for half an hour. If it'd take longer or I'd text that it would take longer he could go. In the hospital Bucky grabbed a wheelchair and put me on it. It sat more comfortable than in his arms, a metal arm doesn't sit comfortable. We went to the front. "Hello dear, how can I help you?" The lady asked. "I think I might have sprained my ankles and I can't stand up on myself" "well that's not good. You and your boyfriend here can go sit down and the doctor will be there with you soon" "Oh he's not my boyfriend." "Ohw sorry, I thought... He came in lifting you, you look like a couple" "Thank you ma'am, well take place" we sat down, well Bucky sat down and places the wheelchair with me in it next to him. "You seemed kinda embarrassed when the lady said 'boyfriend'" "You're not my boyfriend, are you? It's even illegal, I'm 16. You're god knows what age" "Fine. I liked it" "You just liked it cause you saw me naked. I was unconscious so that doesn't even count" "Still saw you" Bucky said and leaned back. After half an hour the doctor came in and asked: "Are you Y/N Clarke?" "That's me" I said. "And you are the boyfriend?" "No sir" Bucky said. "Mhm. I assumed, but let's get inside" we went through the doors and went to the second room to the right. The doctor who had introduced himself as Doctor Stevens sat behind his desk. Bucky sat down on a chair and I placed myself next to him. "So." The doctor said "What's wrong and what happened" "I can't stand on my own neither walk. It happened in the shower this afternoon." "During that thunderstorm?" "Yes sir" "Did you get hit, like did you get electrified?" "Uh, yes sir." "Continue" "I got electrocuted. Not that bad, I barely fell anything. So if course like every decent person I went out of the shower but on my way I tripped over the edge, fell down and blacked out" "how long were you blacked out" I looked at Bucky cause I didn't know for how long. "Around 3 hours" "Alright. Alright. Can you get to the inspection table there?" "Yes sir" I said and rolled myself to the inspection table. Like those beds you always sit on at the doctors. Those with the paper plastic things all around it. "James, can you help me? I can't lift myself high enough" "oh yeah of course." Bucky helped me out of the wheelchair and lifted me on the bed table thing. "So I'm gonna do a couple of tests and maybe an X-ray if it's broken." First Dr Stevens grabbed my left foot and started wiggling it slightly. "What do you feel?" "Nothing sir." "Mhm." Then he grabbed the right one. "How about this one?" He started wiggling just like with the left one. "Yeah that hurts really bad." "Okay, well the left one is probably broken since you can't feel anything there. But we gotta figure out why you're sitting here so calm, most people with broken feet or ankles come in crying or at least with puffy eyes. And the right ankle is definitely sprained. We gotta go to the X-ray now for the left ankle." I put myself in the wheelchair again and we went to the X-Ray in another room.So there'll be a little flashing light now, that's the picture. Then we can see the results." "Mkay" I said and went into the other room where the photo would be taken. It only took like 30 seconds and 5 flashes. Each from a different point of view. "You can come back here Y/N" I went to the room where Bucky and the Doctor were sitting looking at the x-rays.the doctor pointed and the part where my ankle was misplaced next to an x-ray of someone with non-broken ankles. "You don't feel anything probably because you passed out, it shut down your pain system. That's why you didn't feel anything till you woke up. Our cardiologist is gonna put the left ankle back on place. You'll get a cast for that one and the right ankle is indeed sprayed. You'll get an ankle band. Like those for your knees but this one is for your ankle. It'll heal itself, but it can't stand up on its own so this will make it stronger. One of the nurses will get you an ice pack to cool it." "So what's gonna happen like now?" I asked "first you'll go to cardiology. She'll set your ankle back in place. It's not that bad, it can be just set back. Then you'll get the cast, in the meantime. The people that make like ankle bands are gonna make you one fast based on the X-ray I give them" "Okay, where is cardiology?" "second floor immediately on the left" "Thank you sir. Have a nice day" "thank you Y/N try to have a good one yourself too." Bucky took me out of the room, we went to the elevator, second floor to cardiology. We went to the desk where a man was sitting. "You can go right away to room 2, Dr Torres will put your ankle back there and put a cast on it" "okay thank you" we went to room 2 where a woman was setting up something to make a cast. "Hi, you're Y/N, right? This is gonna hurt, it can be nice to hold your boyfriend's hand." "Oh he's not my-" "Oh sorry!" "No problem. You're not the first one" Bucky first lifted me on the table, Dr Torres held one hand on my foot and the other one on the bottom of my leg, just above the ankle. "Okay I'll count down and one 1 I'll place it back" I grabbed Bucky's metal arm cause that wouldn't hurt him. "other hand" he whispered. I grabbed is other hand. Probably because there'd be a chance that it would shock again. The doctor started counting down. "3...2...1..." My ankle hurt like hell, I pressed in Bucky's hand really hard. Then it was over. "and done. You did really good! I'll cast it now. Which color do you want?" "Uhm dark blue please." Torres grabbed dark blue cast from a drawer, first she put like a sock from my toes till just under my knee, then another white puffy thing and then she started rolling the dark blue around my leg. It only took like 3 minutes. "Look, finished" It looks really cool. Like the strong girl you are." "Thanks" " uh you can go to the desk now. They'll have the ankle thing ready for your other ankle. I will see you back in 3 weeks to check on your ankle and refresh the cast. You can't go swimming with it, in the shower you need to put plastic around it so it won't get wet. I'll see you later, hope you recover well!" "Thank you. I hope so too." "Bucky lifted me and put me in the wheelchair. We went now to the main desk to pick up the ankle band. I put it on right away. At home I did have to put an ice pack on it. The nurse said she wasn't sure if it worked since it was at least 5 hours ago it had happened.I had just finish calling Happy so he'd come pick us up when we walked past the blood donation and I saw Peter. "Hey can we go to there? I know that guy there." "Uh sure, we do have to go when that Happy guy comes. Alright? You need to rest doll." "You just called me doll again" "No I didn't" "Yes you did and you're denying it again. I don't hate it by the way" "Okay fine. I was calling you doll." We went to the blood donation and I saw Peter on the couch reading a magazine. "Hey Parker!" Peter looked up from the thing he was reading, looked around who called his name and as soon as he saw me he lighted up. "H-hey! Y/N" just then he noticed I was in a wheelchair "Hey what happened? Looks pretty serious" "Accident in the shower. I was showering in the thunderstorm, got hit by the lighting. Tripped over the edge, broke my left ankle and sprained the other one. I'm fine now though. What are you doing here?" "I'm glad that you're okay now. I'm waiting for my Aunt. Once in a year she comes here to donate some blood." "Ahw that's so sweet of her. Funny that that's literally the day I break and sprain my ankle" "Yeah kinda. How will you get to school though?" "The doctor said I couldn't go the first 2 days at least, then I can just go to school in probably crutches, maybe a wheelchair. I can't participate in P.e. till at least Christmas but that's kinda obvious" "that really sucks. I really hope you'll get better soon!" "Thanks Pete." Then I got a text, I checked real fast and Happy was waiting for us outside. "We gotta go. I'll see you Wednesday then?" "See you then" he said. Bucky turned me around and we went outside. Handed in the wheelchair at the entrance, Bucky lifted me and put me in the car. "Who was that by the way?" Bucky asked when we were in the car. "That's Peter Parker, one of my friends at school. He's an intern at Starks. He knows about Tony being my dad. He heard it from someone, but I know that Tony likes him and that maybe one day he'll join the team." "Ohw cool" I couldn't sleep that night. Maybe it was because of the cast, but I just felt weird. I wanted to put the light on next to my bed, but the light exploded. "What the " I said to myself. I swear I could see a little electrical spark going from my hands back or to into my body. I probably just imagined it cause I was really tired. At like 3AM I finally fell asleep because that's the time I finally got exhausted.

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