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Young Alice cautiously stepped into the large forest. At her step, the trees waved and thunder clapped. The young girl jumped a little, gripping onto the blue fabric of her dress. Her mother had insisted for her to wear the thing two mornings ago. If it was up to Alice, she would have run through the forest in nothing but her dressing gown. Alice wouldn't have pulled a noir brush through her golden strands of hair either. She remembered tracing the steps of the white rabbit, falling down the rabbit hole and pursuing a marvellous adventure in Wonderland.

All that was left in her scattered memory was somehow disappearing from wonderland and into the forest, she was disappointed and vaguely annoyed at her sudden change of scenery, not to mention confused.

"Well, this can't be good" The eight year old whispered to herself, listening to the breeze that whistled through the twining branches of the trees. For such a young age, Alice was smart; smart and terribly curious, so much so it had gotten her in trouble more than a few times, the rabbit hole event was one that changed her entire perspective on, well . . . everything. Though she didn't feel any sort of accomplishment just yet, she still had the biting desire to meet with the Cheshire cat and float on a sea of her tears. She couldn't look at flowers though, no. They mocked her even without faces and oddly enough, she missed the blue caterpillar that blew ashen rings of smoke onto her features.

Who are you?

A whirring noise, an unpleasant sound of grinding sounded somewhere deep in the woods. Alice disregarded it completely, absentmindedly treading on woodland insects no bigger than buttons. She walked with rhythm to her step, and a hum buzzing at the back of her throat, she hummed a tune her mother would sing to her minutes before she fell asleep. Although the time went by so fast, the idea of sleep was a stranger in her mind; she couldn't remember its comfort anymore.

It happened quickly then, Alice stepped forward and tumbled down a hole. What was it with her and vacant spots in the ground? Rolling down the grime, she gasped. The strange familiarity hit her hard, the snow-white rabbit in the waist coat and the grinning Cheshire cat. She smiled a little while falling; she adored the place and believed to be finding it once again.

As she fell, as her tumbling came to an end, her rear met with a clean patch of grass, all shades of green. A tall, gaunt legged man stood about a mile away, in a tweed jacket and a crimson bow tie. He stood beside a large blue Police Box. Alice could just about make out the font.

"Stupid!" He yelped and smacked his hand against his head, "I'm late!" He looked over at his surroundings; his scarce brows furrowed almost immediately, "I'm pretty sure I wasn't supposed to end up here . . ." He maundered and Alice stared at him with wide eyes, she hadn't uttered a word but she had pressed her small palm against her shin to haul herself up, standing.

Alice's curiosity began to make itself evident once again, gnawing away at her insides. She squinted for a better view of the man, bracketing her hand above her eyebrows. It was then he noticed the young girl, when her brows were dipped in a frown and her figure leaning forward.

"Who are you?" As the man strode closer, she took notice of the brown patches at his elbows, and the suspenders clipped on his waistband and arched over his shoulders.

"Well, if you don't mind me asking sir, who are you?" She recalled her conversation with the blue caterpillar, how he taunted her and drew smoke from his pipe.

"The Doctor" He simpered, though it was tiny, his thin lips barely moved an inch.

"Doctor what?" She enquired stepping forward just as he did too.

"Well, I'm not that sure, anyway, you still haven't told me who you are," He hinted and by now he had paced close enough to the child to hold his hand out to her. It remained factual that a stranger was a stranger but she took his hand without hesitation.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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