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In the depth of this overflowing salt water, I lay cold and dead, opened my eyes to the sky.
A bright ray of light shined through the ocean and through my eyes.
I blinked once, blinked twice, blinked trice thrice. I opened my eyes up to glowing light. 'Where did that come from?' I thought. The ocean never glowed nore light was shined through it. How am I even able to define what was in front of me?

Flickering, the light shined brighter and brighter. 'Who are you?' I unconsciously asked. Shockingly my tongue tasted salt and I saw bubbles go out from my mouth. I was daunted by the taste; I immediately closed my mounth again. Though my eyes followed where the bubbles were going. As it went up and up shrinking into the top of the ocean, I then realized the light was still there.

What is the light? What are bubbles? What were the words that I muttered again just a minute ago? But it's not like I heard anything out of all that water inside my ears.

In the end, the light was still there. As time passes, my eyes starts to hurt. And so I closed my eyes immediately for a second to rest it. But when I opened them again, the light the gone.

The light was good. It was warm. For once my body wasn't cold; for once I saw; for once I tasted. But now all I see iz darkness, this flowing salty water that's surrounds my body.

When did I even know that I have a body? When did I know that I could see? Was my mouth always able to taste salt and spit out bubbles? When did my consciousness even began?

Out of nowhere, I saw a light. I lift up my eyelids, and there the light is there againa! I never opened my eyes while ago. The light never disappeared. It was just that I closed my eyes and I didn't know how to open them.

Who then opened them for me?

Who then shines that light?

As I continue to ponder and sometimes gaze upon the light for years, I felt uneasiness with my chest. What is my chest? My lungs? The water, the salt water overflows! It's flowing again. It's filling again! It's never ends. It never stopped drowning me. The light! It's fading as the water flows! No! No! I need the light! For once I had purpose! For once I knew I was alive! For once I knew myself! It showed me life! It showed me life.

Never, never again will I let this water chain my body! My soul and my life!

With that in mind, I moved my arms. Unsure, I twitched a bit, but as I felt my arms I immediately start waving them. I wave and wave. Stroking them to pull my body towards the light! I'm moving, I'm moving! But-I'm so slow, something is dragging me down. What- what is that? Legs? I tried to move them and they did! They're a part me.

Still stroking my arms up and down to pull me up, I try to feel my legs and move them. And when I did they're- they're pulling me up!

Immediately in focused on using both my arms and legs to pull me up to the light! I pushed my arms harder and my legs faster. I swam with all the strength I think I was storing for the days I never knew I exsisted. But is it enough then? then-the light! It is dimming! The ocean is overflowing fast and my lungs are choaking again. Faster and harder I swam, but the overflow was too fast. It kept flowing and flowing that my strength could no longer pull me up. My lungs are dying. Reaching up to the only life I had, the light, I said my last words, 'help'. And again bubbles rose from my mouth and it lifted up into the light.

Just as I did at my first experience, my eyes followed the bubbles thinking that they could reach the light that I long to be with. But either way, it would be too late. It would never get the message that I myself have never heard.

This was me. Eyes that could not see; A body that does not move; Mouth that do not taste; and life that never lived, Lungs that never breathe. As the salty water overflow, the light dimmed and it was dark again. It was dark again. It got cold.

But then when all hopes were gone, when my life was going back to where it used to be, I saw a bright person! Someone like me. Someone with hands and legs, someone who has lungs and mouth who spits bubbles. The difference was that He was shining so bright.
My body was so warm and comfort filled my soul. He was clenching my arms and pulling them up as if He was there ever since I even noticed Him. He looked like He's struggling as He tries to pull me up. His mouth keeps spitting out bubbles everytime he exerts effort to pull me up. 'Move your legs!' He muttered to me as He stopped pulling. It was the first time I heard. And unconsciously I knew that had to move my legs. I then started to move my legs a bit. Suddenly, the man trying to pull me up started to fly up along with me! A soft light shined above, the same that I saw before!

Then I saw another glow shining below me. I looked down and saw that that glow was coming from me.
How could this be?!

While I stay bewildered but hopeful, I saw the man looking at me with a smile. As I look at Him back, I thought that this could all go away again. I gripped my hands around His arms that were gripping mine. I held them tight. And brought by so much emotions, my eyes flood with tears- though it wouldn't make a different with the salt water surrounding me. I wouldn't have realized they were there.

But then a voice made me stop crying. A voice not from the man but from the light within me and the light we are going to said, 'Do not cry. I will always be here.'

Filled with so much love and life, I didn't realized that I have reached the top of the ocean. The man released the grip on my hand and then held my hands. I was scared for a second that maybe He will disappear again and so will the other lights. Though I remembered His words and fear left me.

And slowly the man brought me out of the salty water that filled me since the very beginning. As I raise up, entering another atmosphere, all the salty water flowed out of my body. From the ears to lungs. I coughed them all out. I soon began to breathe. I never stopped holding the man's hand and He never left me.

When all the water left my body, I saw myself standing on water with the man beside me. My chest still had that light and the light above was clearer than what I saw. All I could do was mutter, 'I love you too'.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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