taking a break from the drama

Start from the beginning

Brianna: Hey guy's me and the babies are fine so stop worrying so much ever tho I admire the love from you guy's a lot but anyways I see you'll wonder why I'm back in LA and not in South Korea the reason is it I just need to think about things and not stress about the issues I have in my marriage life to will see what happens with it on another note shout out to the amazing guy's who is just be my big brother's for two years and to everyone who is my friends or lover I hope you'll do will In south Korean but at the moment I'm going show you'll a song I made it a couple of months ago and don't release it at all so let me walk down to the studio room

So the camera show the inside of her studio room it was in the basement whenever she don't want to be bothered with anyone or busy making songs for the fan's but suga was watching her steam and was doing his gimme smile when he saw the inside of her studio in the basement away from people, in general, it has a piano as well so he was in love with it

Brianna: alright I made it to the room but I hope you'll be ready to hear it cause the song is different like mine Hahaha and I hope you'll like it tho

When everyone who was listening to her track is shocked and started to love the song already definitely suga love her voice so much he can't believe she is a real person who can hip hop, rock, and pop but important mostly she is producer and rapper and a piano like him so much he fell in love with her at first when he saw her during her performance at the awards ceremony


Host: ladies and gentlemen tonight we have a well-known idol who has been dominating the music industry for 19 years please to the stage, Brianna!

And all of the fan's was cheering like crazy while bts was clueless on who was the girl was coming on the stage when she waved to the fan's who was screaming I love you Brianna and making her smile but soon get in a pose with the dancer's wait for the music.She started singing while walking around the stage and looking at the audience but suga was smiling and fell in love with her voice then it says the Brianna takeover making fans go crazy and started to cheering loud making her laugh.She started to rap while walking around the fan's was sing along with her and she was dancing with the dancer's on stage making the place lit and people was dancing in the audience when she sing and wearing a Gucci jacket during her performance and the boys mouthed down to the ground cause she can rap in Korean and can dance great on stage but suga was impressed by her rap skills and he was the first to have like her out of the guys in bts way before the others did and he was too shy to honestly tell her about his feelings. Cause the next day bts was at the mall since they won't buy new clothes and other things suga was in a store where there is a piano for anyone to play for free and next was it he sees a familiar girl going play something

She started to play the piano and people was watching around her shocked some people even was recording her playing on the piano ever suga was watching with an impressed by her piano skills and cause the boys to walk to see a lot of people watching a girl playing the piano ter she gets done the crowd was cheering loud but they wanted her to play one more song on the piano and she was fine with it

She is starting to play again but it is a different song and she was playing with her eyes close for a moment, the crew was just listening to her play piano and some was getting emotional by the music ever bts was feeling emotionally still she was smiling under the mask and suga was just watching her trying to figure out who it was playing but can't put his finger on it at all after the girl get up to bow to the crowd cause she was done playing and leave the store before suga get the chance to talk to her the girl was gone and he was looking everywhere in the Mall to see the girl again and he didn't see any sight of the girl so he thought he was dreaming about an unknown girl but things were too real to be a dream cause the boys were with him at the mall. So he going back inside and talk to them about the girl

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