2. how many?

45 2 0

Nanny was just eating the lasagna, dipping the crab legs in the hummus when she noticed her dog was positioned strangely.

"Bertha... what you doing?!?!"  Bertha started hopping away, revealing the strange little  package that resided behind her buttocks 

"Huh!? What's this?!?!?" Nanny picked the package up with her slim fingers and opened it. a pungent smell hit her face like a brick. her face was scrunched up like a paper ball. what was in the box was a little turd from Big Bertha.

"Oh lord... ill clean you up later." as Nanny placed the box down she stood backwards, right into a pile of dog whoopies. 


as Nanny walked through the house, she stood in a few more dog plops, accidentally smudging them into the carpet to inhabit for eternity. 

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