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One week later onto school a new girl came to school marly saw her say hi to Jordan and give him a hug. Marly started getting mad so she came up to the girl and Jordan left. Marly asked what was her name and she found out that her name was alice. Marly asked alice to follow her but while she was walking she.saw.jessie and marly was wondering how was she still alive? But little did marly know that there was a glass bottle next to her so she broke it,cut the glue off.but Jessica did not see her so a Alice followed marly to behind the school and did the same thing to Alice as she did to Jessie. But this time Alice actually died. The next day Jordan asked marly where was his cousin as marly said who's your cousin? What's her name? The Jordan said Alice. Marly was SHOKED.the marly told the truth as she said ,I killed her to get to you,I love u DATE ME when Jessie walked to him. When Jessie say marly Jessie said ,SHES THE ONE THAT ALMOST KILLED ME! Jordan said,how could u do this! I trusted u! As he called the police as marly waited to get arrested. When she got arrested the last words she could say to him was ,Love you ❤️❤️❤️

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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