Daksh and Adhirat started their journey towards the palace. After a while they reached there and Daksh directly went to Bheeshma's chamber.

Inside Bheeshma's chamber

Bheeshma was busy in his official documents when gaurd announced that Daksh wants to meet him. He immediately gave him permission. Hearing Daksh's name a smile formed on his face. He was ecstatic.
Daksh came and touched his feet.

Daksh: Pranipat Mahamahim.

Bheeshma's : Ayushman bhava putra.

Daksh: How are you?

Bheeshma: I am fine yuvraj Daksh.

Daksh: You wanted to meet me?

Bheeshma: I have many questions. But will you feel bad if I ask those questions?

Daksh: I know that my presence brought several questions to everyone's mind. But I will try to answer your questions anyhow.

Bheeshma: It's nothing like that putra. I am just confused. You call karna father. But we all know that Karn didn't marry. You saved putri Draupadi from giving up on her life. And even at this little age of 18 you are such a strong warrior. I am not able to join any of these knots to form some clue.

Hearing all these Daksh laughed loud. Bheeshma was presenting his confusions like a small child curious to know about Daksh.

Daksh: Sorry for laughing in the middle. But your curiosity made you look like a 5 year old kid who is eager to know more. Well, everyone has confusion about my true identity. I can tell you and remove all your confusions. But can you really bear the truth?

Bheeshma: I can. You say.

Daksh: Have a seat. And hold some thing for your support. Because you may get some shock.

Daksh then went to every corner of the chamber to see if there was any spy of that Shakuni or not. Then he went back to Bheeshma.

Daksh: It's true that I am not biological son of pitashree. But that didn't alter his love for me even a little bit.

Bheeshma: Yeah I know that. But who is your mother? Do you have any clue as you know that you are not biological son of Karn.

Daksh: Yes I know. But you will not be able to bear the shock Mahamahim.

Bheeshma: Tell me if you are comfortable.

Daksh: I am eldest son of Agnisuta Draupadi.

Bheeshma: What? How is this even possible that you are son of Draupadi and no-one knows about it.

Daksh: It's truth Mahamahim. I am her son. But nobody knows. Only Radha pitamahi, Adhirat pitamah, kakashree krishna knows about my birth. I am part of the boon that she asked from mahadev in her previous birth. She prayed to Mahadev to get me as her son.

Bheeshma was numb. He didn't know how to react

Daksh: Yes. According to Mahadev's boon she will have a son who will have all the five qualities she asked for in her husband. Since the five qualities have been divided among the Pandavas so she was curious if the boon was valid or not. She asked mahadev to fulfill the boon and bless her with a son. But before taking me to the palace she indirectly asked Samrat Yudhisthir But that didn't happen as samrat Yudhisthir if he would accept me or not. But samrat Yudhisthir didn't accept me because according to him that may bring shame to the vansh according to samrat and that led Samragyi Draupadi to abandon me. But my Kakashree krishna saved me in the right time and handed me over to my pitashree. And my matamah Agni Dev gave me powers to control fire.

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