𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐩

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

some might recognize some familiar names (especially if you've read the books)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

some might recognize some familiar names (especially if you've read the books)

The Rotten's Territory

1. The Demon's Den - home to the Rotten, also known as the headquarters for Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos. It was once an abandoned mansion, the first floor completely in ruins and unlivable, the Rotten reside in the third and final floor.

2. Rotten's Dock - the Rotten's dock where they store the boats they have, not as many as Pirate's Bay, however.

3. Dragon Hall - the main school on the Isle, originally named after Maleficent. It is considered the heart of the Isle and a main center of it too.

4. Bargain Castle - Maleficent's castle, Mal's ex-home.

5. Hell Hall - Cruella de Vil's mansion and Carlos's other home. It is located on the far opposite side of the Isle and is neighbor to Evie's old castle.

6. Jafar's Junk Shop - Jafar's shop of found, made, or stolen goods sold to anyone and everyone on the Isle, located in the market place. Ex-home of Jay.

7. Castle Across the Way - Evil Queen's castle, and Evie's old home, basement currently being used as a tomb for the Evil Queen. Most of the castle is in shambles and burnt down because of Evie. Next door neighbor to Hell Hall.

South-East of the Isle (also known as Uma's Territory or Renegade Territory)

8. Uma's Corner (or Renegades Territory) - a south-east corner of the Isle occupied by Uma and her people as a form of rebellion from the Rotten's tyranny, sometimes thought of as a safe haven. They have the most ships and pirates from the Isle and control the sea portion of the Isle better, one of the reasons they've survived this long. Most home are large tents or a few people inside the lighthouse.

9. Serpent Prep. - old rival school to Dragon Hall; converted into the only way inside Uma's Corner and a front base for defenses and their original headquarters.

10. Pirate's Bay - the docks where the Renegade Navy resides. Most of the pirates live on the ships rather than on land.

Other Isle Areas:

11. Raptor's Nest - a third, neutral, and uninvolved group that do not associate with neither the Rotten or the Renegades. Led by the son of Shan Yu, they reside in a long abandoned and forgotten graveyard, protected by the Forest of Misery. Named after the bird of prey.

12. Slop Shop - everyone's resident almost-coffee shop, they serve anything edible (but not always) and are known for bitter cold coffee that tastes like mud and sticky oatmeal.

13. Dr. Facilier's VooDoo Shop - everyone's favorite witch doctor, he gets people the interesting stuff around the Isle, for the right price of course. shop for the creepy, the scary, anything you want he can get it; his daughters used to work with him.

14. Ursula's Fish & Chip Shoppe - used to be one of the base of operations for Uma's Crew before deciding to move her inside the Corner for security reasons.

15. Tremaine Manor - home to the Tremaine family including Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, Drizella, Anthony, and Dizzy. doubles as a hair salon shop that they manage on weekdays.

16. Witch School - school for magic user descendants, thought to be pointless since there's little to no magic on the Isle.

17. Horned King's Castle - castle of the Horned King from the Black Cauldron. He's one of the oldest residents in the Isle and is quite isolated from them. He doesn't bother anyone and no one dares to step foot in his creepy quarters, the Rotten often joke about it but they're smart enough to leave him alone.

18. Goblin's Wharf - goblins work on the shipyard delivering supplies (but in reality unwanted things and junk) from Auradon. They're the only part of the Isle that is a ceasefire between the Rotten and the Renegades as the goblins have supplies for both sides and hate commotions. Goblins don't take sides, they do their job. Also where the broken train tracks are located, the only way out of the Isle if the train were to come in.

19. Forest of Misery - one of the few patches of greenery in the Isle, you also need to cross it to get to the Isle of the Doomed or Eden. Easy to get through if you know how it works, for those that don't- usually best left alone. It is a mixed patch of swampy trees, falling colorless leaves, and dead spiked trees that are sharp enough to leave scars. They say a single cut could drive a person to madness.

Off Isle Areas
(but still within the barrier)

20. Eden - a cleaner, greener, smaller island by the Isle currently home to Professor Yen Sid and old home to Sophie Page.

no one is allowed in unless invited.

21. Isle of the Doomed - island cut off from the rest of the Isle, the Forbidden Fortress (Maleficent's old castle) is currently in ruins there and use to house the Dragon's Eye scepter, currently in Maleficent's hands. Nothing grows there, the soil is completely obliterated.

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so i made a map.

hope ya'll liked it!

no mundanes allowed
- polaroized

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