"First off when your father and your uncle says something, I expect you to obey it. Secondly, if you truly care for Aleah, you WILL RESPECT her privacy during this time. We may be checking for sexual trauma too. She does need to worry about what has happened too her AND you two TEENAGE boys knowing about it." She lectured as she lead them out into the hall.

I nodded and slowly slid from beside Aleah. I would leave if they were going to be doing that. It would embarrass Aleah if she ever found out. Spencer stood with me. "We'll be in the hall." I said as we walked out and sat down across from the door.

He looked at me before we both bowed our heads and took our concerns for Aleah to the heavenly father.

Fourty-Five Minutes Later:

I looked up as the officer and dad walked out together. He looked at me and nodded his head.

"Sexual or Physical?" I asked.

"Physical." he answered before showing the officer out. I looked at Spencer and his face mirrored mine. We were both disgusted and shocked.... but also incredibly thankful God had rescued Aleah.

"Ow!" I heard Aleah cry and Spencer and I both jumped up and ran into the room.

"I am sorry baby. I know that burns." Uncle Jake was soothing.

"Ouch!" she cried as he dabbed something else on her leg.

"I am almost done. You're doing so good." he praised.

"P-Please stop!" she cried out as she tried to move away from him.

"Spencer, grab her something for pain." Dr. Jacob commanded as he tried to steady her leg.

I prayed for calm and easily walked over and sat by Aleah. "Easy 'Leah." I soothed. She met my eyes and her deep blue, tear filled eyes hurt my heart. "I am so sorry baby." I said as I brushed my hand over her cheek. She rested her head into my hand and I smiled. Spencer was back and running something through her site and it took only a second for her to relax.

"That's better huh?" Spencer asked.

She nodded tearfully.

The sound of medical tape tearing make me look up and Uncle Jake motioned for me to look in the overhead mirror. It would allow me to see the wound he was treating without actually moving from Aleah or letting her know, I knew.

I did slowly and winced immediately- feeling sick to my stomach. There was a huge, eight inch gash running from her bottom to her thigh.

Uncle Jake's look mirrored mine and I looked back to Aleah. She looked sleepy.... and so sweet. I stroked her hair with my free hand and brushed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"My daddy spanked me because I was bad." she whispered to me before turning red. She was obviously embarrassed.

"No sweetheart. You're daddy beat you because he is bad." I corrected firmly.

She looked away and I saw the defeat in her eyes.

"Look at me honey." I asked.

She did. Of course she did. She was obedient.... She couldn't be 'bad' if she tried.

"This mark" I said as I touched her, almost there, bandage gently. "isn't from a spanking. It's from abuse."

I watched as conflict rolled across her face.

"I want you to think about it. What happened before he did this?" I asked her.

"I cried." she said confidently. She was so sure it was her fault. 'Please help me Lord.' I prayed. 'Open her innocent eyes.'

"Well..... what does the Bible say about crying?" I asked.

"That God is close to those who mourn." she said.

"Very good." I praised.

"And if God didn't want us to cry Aleah, why did write that verse or make us with emotions?" Spencer asked as he sat on the bed with me. I used my foot to move him down. Aleah was mine right now.

The side of his mouth tipped up and I knew, he knew, I was in deep.

"What made you cry baby?" Uncle Jake asked as he began to wash off his hands and clean up his mess.

"I was scared."

"Of what?" I asked.

"Him. He was angry with me."

"What do you think made him angry?"

She thought back. "I was rocking and humming."

"Did you do that because you were scared?" Spencer asked.

She nodded.

"So think about it.... He wasn't angry because you were humming.... you were humming because you were scared. He was already angry. What about?" I encouraged.

She had to think hard and her eyes etched hurt and confusion when she remembered. "That I was coming to the hospital."

"Do you think that was a good daddy?" Uncle Jake asked as he sat on the bed, knocking Spencer in the floor. "I know if my babies were sick, I would want the best possible care."

Aleah shook her head as more tears rolled down her full cheeks.

"And do you think a good daddy would get so angry about you being checked out by us?" Uncle Jake asked gently.

Aleah shook her head.

"He didn't want you checked out because he knew what he had done. He knew it was wrong and he was wrong." Spencer explained as he stood behind me.

I used my thumbs to wipe a tear away. "He is a bad person baby, not you."

Her lip trembled and she bit her lip as she tried to stop her tears.

"You feel better if you let it out." Spencer encouraged.

She looked down at her bed sheets.

"Baby, just cry. It's okay." Uncle Jake added as he rubbed her leg.

She shook her head, but I tipped her chin back up. "Please don't hide your tears from me." I begged. "I care for you and I want to help you. We want to be your family 'Leah and that means seeing your tears."

I thanked God as the dam of emotions finally erupted and she sobbed brokenly into my shirt. She cried for a good amount of time- none of us leaving and my parents joining. We all pilled into the little bed with her and allowed her the comfort she deserved.


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