"Elphaba?" Highmuster asks, looking at me bewildered. "What in the Oz is going on?"

Before I can answer I hear Glinda coming down the hall calling my name. "You haven't seen me or know where I am!" I order them more than ask or state as I hurry, and kneel down, wedging myself  in the corner of his office between the wall and a low cabinet. I barely get hidden in time.

Glinda enters the room. "Hello Popsicle. Hello Master Oakwood." I can hear the smile on her face. "I am sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if you have seen, my fiancee? She seems to have gone missing, and I really need to speak with her about the wedding. I had a couple changes I wanted to go over with her about the gazebo decorations."

"I thought you agreed to let her take care of all that?" Hughmuster asks amused.

"I did, but you know she isn't… she isn't the most competent," she says that slowly, "when it comes to color schemes and decoration designs, and so I just jotted down a couple ideas for her."

It took everything within me not to jump out of my hiding place and throttle her! My taste in color and design is not that bad! I know not to deck the place out with black! Glaring I bite my tongue to keep from yelling at her.

Master Oakwood gives a slight chuckle. "Lady Glinda, if it is any consolation I happen to know what Miss Elphaba has planned, and I can assure you it will be beautiful!"

"How do you know what she is planning?" Glinda sounds suspicious.

"It just so happens she has asked me to assist with her plans for decorating."

"No offense, Master Oakwood, but you're a woodworker, and I fail to see how you can help her with decorations for the gazebo." Glinda sounds doubtful. "I am sure she is mistaken. I must find her and inform her of her mistakes.

"Rest assure, Lady Glinda, your fiance'e has not lost her wits completely and what she has planned will be nothing less than, well, spectacular!" Master Oakwood smiles and looks very thoughtful.

"I still don't believe you." Glinda says narrowing her eyes, or at least I think she did from the way she leaned forwards slightly.

Highmuster chuckled as he got up, went over to where he had a small wet bar, and poured some bourbon for himself and a gin and tonic for Master Oakwood. He catches my gaze, unbeknownst to Glinda, as he fixes the drink, and I give him a pleading look to hurry it up! He got the message as when he returned to his seat he hands Master Oakwood the gin and tonic, and addresses Glinda. "Well, Glindabalinda," I have to stifle a laugh, at that, "as much as I have been thrilled to see you, I am afraid I am going to have to continue my meeting with Master Oakwood or we will never get this contract worked out. I am sorry you can't find Elphaba, but perhaps she went to the clearing in the woods. I heard she enjoys it there, and that she found some plants she wanted to identify."

I hear Glinda huff and see her toss her hair. "Of course she would go gallivanting through the woods to look at some stupid plants when she should be here worrying about our wedding!" She stamps her foot. "Well, anyways, excuse me please I must be off into the woods to find Elphie."

"Good luck, Glinda, and if I happen to see Elphie I will inform her you are looking for her." Highmustter says walking to the door with her.

"It was good to see you, Lady Glinda." Master Oakwood says standing and giving her a polite bow.

"It was good to see me wasn't it? Tah Tah!" She grins, and I roll my eyes from my hiding place. "Anyways," she says, turning to head out the door.

"Oh! One more thing!" Master Oakwood calls, and she turns back. "Yes, master Oakwood?"

"I wanted to inform you that due to decorations being done in your garden you will not be permitted in the garden at all until the wedding."

"What!? But I have t-" Her voice jumps in October as she goes wide eyed.

"Sorry, but that is how it shall be per orders of Miss Elphaba." Master Oakwood says apologetically.

"Oh she said that, did she?" Her voice turns dangerous. "We will just see about that!" She turns and storms out of the room, her heels clicking quickly as she heads back down the hall.

No sooner does Glinda get down the hall, and Highmuster closes the door then I fall out of the place I had wedged myself in. "Thank Oz! I was beginning to think she would never leave!" I say stumbling a little to try and steady myself. Thankfully Master Oakwood caught me before I could fall. "Thank you, Master Oakwood." I say giving him a grateful smile.

"It was no trouble at all, Miss Elphaba." He says, giving me a warm smile.

"Please call me Elphie. All my friends and soon to be family do."

"I am  honored to be called your friend, Elphie." He says giving me a respectful nod, which I return. "I hope you do not mind that I took the liberty to ban Glinda from the garden."

"Not at all, but I am curious as to why you said I gave the order to stay out of the garden and not yourself." I smirked  a little when Master Oakwood got a guilty look on his face.

Highmusrter laughs merrily and motions to a chair where I can sit. "She has you there, Oakwood, old boy!"

The older gentleman laughs. "I do admit it was rather low of me to tell Lady Glinda that you gave the order, but I also must admit I wouldn't stand a chance against your spitfire of a fiance'e. She would have fired me on the spot had she known I gave the order!" Master Oakwood laughs with a twinkle in his eyes. "At least she will eventually forgive you."

Highmuster and I both laugh. "I am afraid I have nothing to counter that, Master Oakwood." I say reining in my laughter. "There is one thing I do request though."

"And what might that be?"  He asks curiously.

"I ask that while you ban Glinda from the garden you would permit me to be in there." He knows I am completely serious as I continue, "I don't want this to come out wrong, but I need to have someplace to get away from her. Love her as I do, she will drive me insane before we ever get a chance to say our vows!"

"It would be more believable if she was with you. Glinda would likely have an aneurysm if she thought you were in there without one of the brides, namely herself, but she will settle, albeit hesitantly, for Elphie being there." Highmuster points out and I nod my agreement.

Master Oakwood thinks for a few minutes. "I don't see why you can't be in there. After all, you did hire me to work on the gazebo." He looks at me and smiles. "Operation save the bride's sanity is underway!" We all laugh at that. Finishing my drink I bid my soon to be father in law and Master Oakwood a good day, and then slip out to see if I can get to the garden without Glinda finding me.

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