What you hate about them

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Steve- You hate how he always corrects you when you curse. You have the mouth of a sailor, so swearing is something you do on the regular. As soon as you utter a curse word- Steve's old ass is up in your ear scolding you.

Bucky- You hate when he pushes you away. Bucky has trauma, and you wish he could just allow you to comfort and help him when you know he truly needs it.

Tony- You hate when Tony makes snarky remarks when you're upset. You'll be trying to have an actual conversation and he'll say something smart which leads to an argument.

Stephen- You hate when he leaves you in the dark. He insists on not telling you stuff- or lying to you for "your own good". You want him to understand that you are capable of handling difficult situations- and it's not fair to keep things from you ESPECIALLY if it has to do with you.

Natasha- You hate how she doesn't fully trust you. You have proven your loyalty to Nat thousands of times- but she seems to always make up in her mind that you're cheating on her.

Thor- Oppositely from Nat, you hate how trusting he is. It sounds silly, but Thor tends to have trust for people who are proven to be out to get you. Jane, for instance, he doesn't understand that she is out to ruin your relationship. He believes in second chances- and thirds and fourths. Which is okay to a degree- but he needs accept that some people just won't change.

Peter- Nothing❤️ You and Peter are still in the honeymoon phase so nothing bothers you (yet).

Vision- You really don't HATE this about Vis, but it kinda bothers you that he takes things so literal. You'll say something like "I've got butterflies in my stomach" and he'll think you're being dead serious.

Wanda- Nothing ❤️ You love everything about her.

Loki- You hate how he says things like; "Are you seriously going to act that way" Or "You can't seriously be upset over that". It bothers you that he turns to invalidating your feelings when you're upset at him.

Sam- You hate when Sam stays out all night- especially when you guys just had an argument. He likes to leave and hang out with his friends, not coming back until midnight. You would worry- but that worry would subside a little because he would make sure text and call you back. Now, when y'all just got done arguing- it's a whole other situation. He would ignore your calls and only text you once every couple hours to let you know he's okay. It hurts and bothers you.

Wade- Similar to Tony, you hate when Wade jokes around or makes certain remarks during arguments.

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