Chapter 4

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After showing it to all the bounty's,they all looked at Chaz confused and surprised of what he has
Chaz:I know it's hard to explain but-
Baby-bun:WHAT THE HECK CHAZ WHY!!!!first you control other trolls then you do THIS NOW?!?!??!
Chaz:I said don't judge or ever talk downwards to me I didn't steal her,she was lost and I'm going to bring her to her real parents,OK!!!!!!JEEZ!!!!!!
Tresillo:I don't know amigo,that sounds suspicious 😒 to us,why you have her in your hair in the first place???
Chaz:well she liked it up there so I let her up the-
Then all of a sudden hickory jumped on his back and quickly grabbed Casey out of his hair
Hickory:sorry but I don't know about this,a controller like you taking care of a baby??that's just not right
Hickory:NO I don't know if you know this,but a baby need a momma then a stranger
Chaz:uhhh 😑I know that
Hickory then gave the Casey over to baby-bun and them:let the k pop watch over her,they aren't controlling the baby,so let them take care of her then
Wani:yeah I don't know about thi-
Baby-bun:OH wani you are not thinking straight,Chaz might have hurt this poor baby and we know that CHAZ is not to be trusted
Chaz was really angry of what they think of him ,not giving her over to him and had enough of it
Chaz:pls I'm not gonna ask you guys again,I'm the one that found her so I'll take her-
Baby-bun:NO WAY JAZZY BOY!!!you are not gonna take the baby and claim it as yours
Gamori:yeah FREAK!!!
Ari:yeah you tell him girl
Wani:baby-bun ,look I know we hate Chaz,and don't know why he did this in a he first place,but maybe we need to think about this before we -
Baby-bun:WANI just listen to me and hold the baby,while we handle this
Wani was more worried,she cares about everyone,even those that have problems being good,but this,she was more concerned about it 😰while she was holding Casey
Chaz,on the other hand,had it with all this pain and suffering for just a baby he found and took care of SINCE THE MOMENT HE GOT HIS BUT KICKED LAST NIGHT
Chaz:I-I HAD IT.....I HAD IT WITH ALL T-THIS ......this PAIN..!!! All I did was nothin but cared for such a small little troll to prov I am.....I-I am.....More t-then

A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!Everyone was surprised of what he had become and it scared them real bad Baby-bun:see wani,PURE EVILCasey was so surprised by it too,but to her she still sees Chaz as a regular troll to her vision Wani:😨no NO NOOO I DONT BELIE...

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A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone was surprised of what he had become and it scared them real bad
Baby-bun:see wani,PURE EVIL
Casey was so surprised by it too,but to her she still sees Chaz as a regular troll to her vision
Wani:😨no NO NOOO I DONT BELIEVE That,I know Chaz would never do such a thing to harm this baby,this baby isn't even harmed by him not one bit
While wani and baby-bun are arguing,Casey looked at Chaz and saw had heart broken he was of how they treated him,so Casey reached out to him and cried out:ba ba?? 😰BA BA (she started to cry)
Wani looked at her,with worried eyes wondering what she needed
Wani:what's wrong???what are you(then looked at where she was reaching at).....oh,you want Chaz??don't you??
Casey then looked like she was about to cry with sadness in her eyes wanting Chaz so bad
Wani:I knew Chaz would never harm her,she needs him,but I don-
Baby-bun:WANI NO didn't you hear what I just said and focus on what's going on here
Tresillo:maybe baby-bun got a point look at him wani,you think this is fine??
Wani looked at Chaz almost recking everything and trying to get Casey back
Tresillo:NO ITS NOT,can't you listen to us for one second,pls wani,think about your family then what others are doing to you in life
Wani (thought about it):you always thought of me as a pushover,non leader,and someone you don't believe in,so what I'm  gonna do is this ..........
Wani then hold Casey tit and started to protect Casey from the other trolls,while Casey is looking at her with cute eyes,the others were surprised by it

Wani:stay away from him and the baby Baby-bun:WANI WHAT ARE YOU DOING,why can't you just fallow-Wani:ENOUGH BABY-BUN!!!!!!!! I'll always love you and I'll always be there for you but if you don't approve of me for who I stand for or who I am

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Wani:stay away from him and the baby
Baby-bun:WANI WHAT ARE YOU DOING,why can't you just fallow-
Wani:ENOUGH BABY-BUN!!!!!!!! I'll always love you and I'll always be there for you but if you don't approve of me for who I stand for or who I am.......then u......must get LOST!!!!
Then all of sudden,Chaz saw what wani was doing and calmed down to a normal troll and went to wani and went to Chaz with Casey then gave her to Chaz
Baby-bun:w-wani,p-plss let's t-talk about t-this-
Wani:sorry,but I don't RESPECT those that treat me like nothin,like you (death stare)
Other k pops:OHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh😱dang that hurts 😬
It broke baby-bun inside and what wani said to her.The others were surprised of how wani stood up to Baby-bun like that,even the reggaetons were stunned by it too
Wani:I-I'm so sorry chaz from all thi-
Chaz then hugged wani with tears of relief
Chaz:whispers)t-thank u s-so much
Wani felt cared and surprised that Chaz didn't hurt her at all
Wani:let go before it gets more messy here
Chaz:yeah sure
Tresillo:WAIT WANI-
Wani then put ice cold fog everywhere so none of them fallows them
Tresillo:ughhhhh(sighed) we gotta fallow them before that child becomes our doom to everyone here
Hickory:we better tell poppy and the royals about this

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