Chapter 1

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It started when everyone was finally living in a new land called ✨TROLLSTOPIA✨ a place where every troll gets to be their unique ways,like singing,dancing,hugging,partying,and well more joy for each tribe of music you are.But sometimes others don't give respect to those that try to be themselves
Everyone was singing and dancing with the song 🎶,dancing in their own music,that is till Chaz comes in.................
Chaz:ok chaz,you can do this just go up there and make a difference in your life,hehe what could possibly go wrong
When Chaz saw an opportunity to join in with the song,Chaz started playing his instrument and was about to sing 🎤 to let everyone hear him,until.......
Chaz got kicked out from hickory:WOAAHHH AAAAHHHH!!!?!???????!"then landed into a mud pool
Hickory:pls continue
Everyone was relieved about it
Poppy:welll 🎶
Everyone went back to singing and doing what they do best
For Chaz,it was the end of the road for him
Chaz:welll(picks himself up)at least I tried it's not like it would be the first time it happened to me.......welll better go clean my self up hehe..
Then Chaz looked at a puddle and saw how messy he is
Then Chaz went home to fix himself up only to feel like he got nothin on him to prof what he could become
Chaz:another swing.........(looks behind and see them shooting fireworks outside and cheering)

(looks behind and see them shooting fireworks outside and cheering)

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Another miss..................

When he was about to head home while dusting himself off,he heard a cry coming from the woods,so he went after it
And seeking on what is making that noice
Chaz:what the smooth jazz is that!?!?!
It got louder and making Chaz wonder even more Chaz:where is it coming from!?!!!?!!making Chaz more curious till it got louder
And it got louder  and louder whenever he got closer to it.Then all of a sudden,he saw a bush glowing bright blue ,making him think why is a bush glowing a color,bushes don't glow colors???Bush's don't glow at all,till he went towards it and can hear it again coming from the bush.He opens it and saw.........

A baby ?!

A little cute troll was crying in a soft and comfy bush,making Chaz wonder who it belongs to and why it's out here all by it's self in the woods Chaz:oh great,first I get recked and Now this????!!!!The baby started crying even louder then ever,Cha...

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A little cute troll was crying in a soft and comfy bush,making Chaz wonder who it belongs to and why it's out here all by it's self in the woods
Chaz:oh great,first I get recked and Now this????!!!!
The baby started crying even louder then ever,Chaz's freaked out and started to carry her
Chaz:OH GOSH!!there there it's ok it's ok shhhhhhhhhh
But the baby was still crying and to only make her stop is with a Lullaby song,so Chaz had no choice but to sing to her while looking worried if he might control her 😰
Chaz:man you really want me to do this,huh?????
The baby kept crying again
Chaz:OK OK you win (sighed).....but just for u~


🎶dear little child ~🎶what to say to you~🎶
You got bright eyes ~🎶that'll light up this whole world~🎶
The baby stopped crying then looked at Chaz
When I saw you all alone,you cried and it broke my heart~🎶
Then the baby stopped crying and looked at Chaz with a cute little giggle on her face,Chaz smiled at her
For you will come of age though our own nation~🎶and will make it all come true~🎶I'll make it right there for you and you'll blow us all away~
The baby's started yawning 🥱 and closed her eyes
Yeah you'll blow us all away~🎶
The baby was fast asleep 💤 Chaz looked at her and saw how he didn't control her and how she liked it,making him think  maybe he might have a change to fit in trollstopia and be more then what others think he is.he had a gentle smile then looked at the baby
Chaz:man what am I gonna do with u now ??I guess you'll have to stay with me till I find your real parents huh???(the baby started cuddling on to his chest feeling safe in his arms with a little cute smile on her face 😊)

he had a gentle smile then looked at the babyChaz:man what am I gonna do with u now ??I guess you'll have to stay with me till I find your real parents huh???(the baby started cuddling on to his chest feeling safe in his arms with a little cute sm...

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Heh,Ill take that as a yes
To be continued.......

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