The rest of the group didn't know about Mingyu's confession to Minghao. The only ones who knew were Minghao, Mingyu, and Wonwoo. Even Soonyoung and Jihoon hadn't known about it and were also puzzled and shocked to see Minghao cutting off conections with Mingyu and Wonwoo for a while.

Wonwoo cleared his throat. "I'd hate to interrupt everyone, but the wedding is to start in two minutes and we all need to go now."

Everyone eyes widened, almost forgetting about the ceremony. They all immediately went outside and went to their positions.

Junhui walked up to the front, next to the officiator.

Mingyu, Minghao, Wonwoo, Jeonghan, Joshua, and Seungcheol were standing on the side as groomsmen. The rest of the boys were seated among the other guests. There were also six other bridesmaids lined up on the opposite side.

After a short while, the big doors opened, and there stood the bride in her white ethereal wedding dress, the sheer veil draping from the back of her hair down to the dress. She slowly walked down the aisle that was filled with a beautiful array of flower petals.

Minghao watched it all—the bride's graceful walk, the hopeful gazes of the guests, and Junhui's smile and his eyes that shone unlike any other.

Mingyu could see Minghao's expression. He couldn't stop himself from worrying. He knew well what it meant, but he wasn't sure what he could do. He hasn't even talked nor looked at Minghao's eyes properly.

Just minutes ago he was completely fine. However, seeing Minghao like this hurts him inside. He knew that Minghao would be attending the wedding, but he didn't know that the boy would have this effect on him. He wanted to be able to ease Minghao's pain. He wanted to be able to do something for him.

Minghao was truly happy for Junhui, but truth be told, he also felt sad.

Some crushes don't always end easily. But what about a fifteen-year long one-sided love?

How long does it take to stop loving the person you've been loving for fifteen years?

How long does it take to stop feeling brokenhearted?

How long does it take to move forward?

How long does it take to be happy?

It takes time to heal.

Everyone has a different pace. But it doesn't happen in a day or two.

But know that time alone is not what heals us. We may forget the pain through time, but it will not make our pain vanish completely.

And just as time is different for everyone, the medium for our healing may also differ. Whatever that medium may be, is up to us.

It's alright to be broken.

It's alright to stumble and fall.

It's alright to stop for a moment and take a break.

It's a process and that's okay.

Not accepting ourselves and our brokenness is what isn't okay.

The bride stood in front of Junhui, looking at each other lovingly.

Minghao had stepped forward, presenting the ring box up front, opening it.

Junhui and Yuna had each taken a ring. Both looking only at each other's eyes.

Minghao had stepped back into the row, standing beside Mingyu with the other groomsmen.

"Do you, Junhui, take Yuna as your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'til death do you part?" The officiant asked.

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