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Knock knock.

Wonwoo opened the door and there stood Minghao.

Minghao was neither smiling nor frowning.

It's like...

As if he was lost.

Lost in his thoughts.

The expression on the boy's face only confirmed Wonwoo's assumption even stronger.

"Minghao." Wonwoo went closer to the boy and leaned in for a hug. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Minghao took a few seconds, but nodded.

The two went inside the apartment.

"Mingyu's in his room. Do you want to talk about it with him too?" Wonwoo asked, looking at Minghao.

Minghao was looking down, but slowly raised his head to face Wonwoo. He fidgeted his fingers, but wasn't saying anything.

"Okay." Wonwoo grabbed Minghao's hand gently. "Let's talk about it in my room."

The two boys went inside Wonwoo's room and sat down on the two bean bags in the middle of the room.

They sat there for a while.

Wonwoo was lightly tracing shapes on the back of Minghao's hand that he was holding.

It was his way of saying:

It's okay. Tell me when you're ready.

Minghao wasn't really saying anything.

He wasn't frowning.

He wasn't smiling.

He was just looking at Wonwoo, expressionless. Well, his eyes were looking at Wonwoo, but he, himself, wasn't.

It was as if he was blind.

His eyes were on Wonwoo, but at the same time, he wasn't really looking at him. As if he couldn't see anything.

Everything was a blur.

The two just sat there in the nothingness.

Well, it may have looked like nothingness for people, but inside was a battle.

A torture.

Pain that occured for multiple reasons.

Of course, he's straight.

Why did I expect anything anyways?

He doesn't like you.

He likes someone else.

I'm not enough for him.

Why am I so pathetic?

Why can't I let go?

It's all the girl's fault.

I liked Jun first.

She took Jun away from me.

But he was never mine to begin with.

I'm so selfish. I'm pathetic. I'm stupid.

Why are you making me feel this way?

I hate you.

I love you.

I need you.

Please stay with me.

Wonwoo was patient. He knew that whatever Minghao was thinking of, he needed his time to sort out his thoughts.

Here For You  |  JunHaoWhere stories live. Discover now