Silver Pt 4

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This chapter's song is: See you again by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth!

Narrator's POV:

"This is preposterous! Let me see my son!" Arabella cries as she pushes through the guards. Argent followed her as they entered the throne room. There, Silver was standing still next to ten guards, all who had their hands upon the hilt of their swords.

"Arabella-" the queen starts but Arabella was quick to rush to her child. She embraced him as she began frantically searching for injuries. There were none visible, but his deathly pale face showed mental scarring of its own.

"How are you Silver? Are you okay? Argent asks as he places a hand on his son's cheeks. There was no response.

"Argent, Silver is fine but..." the king says hesitantly, looking out of the window. The room went silent as the people heard the loud cries of parents mourning their children.

"Silver couldn't have done that! He could never!" Arabella defends.

"Silver seems to have... a very special power," the priest says as he steps forwards. "It seems his words have the absolute power to control people against their will. It's more like his will is their life, and they shall follow his orders to their... death..."

Argent stared at the priest.

"We have a friend who can control Silver's powers until he is old enough to control them himself. However he is at the border..." the king says.

"The border?! You want me to send him to the place where monsters roam free?!" Arabella cries.

"That's not what we're saying Bella, Silver needs to control his powers, and those nobles won't sit back and just allow this to go unpunished," the queen explains.

"Punishment?! Had those boys not have injured his friend, then this would have never happened!"

"They didn't just injure him, they murdered him! What about their punishment?! I'd like to see those nobles try and touch my son!" Argent yells.

"That's enough Argent! This is an order as your king and your friend, Silver will be cared for at the border-" An ice shard grazed the King's cheek.

"Protect the Royal family!" The soldiers yelled as they surrounded the King and Queen.

Argent looked behind him. "Bella?" Arabella's gaze darkened as she stood up, Silver behind her. The air got chillier as ice began to form on the walls and crept closer to the soldiers.

"You will not touch my son," she says darkly as sharp ice shards appeared in the air and formed from the ground. They inched closer to the royal family as the mage tried to melt the ice.

"Kill the traitor!" a soldier yelled as he shot an arrow at the duchess. Luckily, Argent was quick to stop the arrow with his own telekinesis power. As the royal couple along with Argent begged Arabella to stop while the soldiers continued to try and defend, someone else had broken from their trance.

One of the soldiers had fired an arrow, which had evaded Argent and was heading for Arabella. She saw the arrow coming towards her but was too slow to move. Suddenly...

"Stop." The arrow stopped dead in its tracks, eventually falling to the floor. Nobody could move, not even the ice shards which eventually melted away.

"S-silver..." Arabella whispered, her eyes trying to see from behind.

Silver walked towards the Royal family. "Leave my parents alone. Leave them alone. Why are you so mean? You should just die. Die. Die. Die," he repeated. Silver's eyes shone exactly like how it did earlier, however, there was an unknown bloodlust twinkling deep down too. Suddenly, Karl and Cordelia began walking towards the window. Silver's parents were shocked at the actions, the shock freezing them into place as they witnessed their son's power.

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