"I have yet to figure that out, but it doesn't seem like a costly issue to deal with. Your company is much better than his in my opinion."

"Your opinion is my opinion Sherlock. Your thoughts are my thoughts, so you should have a good idea on what I'm thinking about right now." John said to me, setting back down the cup of something and leaning closer into my space, our space? This is becoming too confusing even for my taste.

"We're thinking about a way to escape this place?" That's what I'm thinking about at least, but from the way John leaned closer, so much so that his nose was just inches away from my face, it wasn't what he was thinking. So does he have divergent thoughts or did this newly occurring trauma just give me DID disorder and he's the conscious in me that is finally starting to show? Well it's definitely not the last one, I eat trauma for breakfast and any divergent personalities of mine would've shown up a whole lot earlier in my life if a little kidnapping was what it takes to initiate it.

"Don't play dumb Holmes, it's not a very convincing look on you." John says as he closes the space between us to make it even tighter. He places his hands firmly on top of my own and holds them there as he crawls on top of my lap into a straddle position. I try and widen the space by leaning my head back so whenever I do try and calmly talk whatever this thing is off the ledge that it has me on right now so that it doesn't run away when I reject it. However in leaning my head backwards my vertebrae followed and with it my pelvis. In human terms when I leaned back my head my hips accidentally lifted and in turn I "thrusted" into John.

"John enough of this, I thought you were all about personal space and such things." I look at him with the coldest eyes I could muster but the growing red in my cheeks didn't exactly help the situation.

"Stop saying his name already, fuck your just as bad Jim." John says, pressing down harder on my hands and he hooked his feet over my knees so that he could spread my legs apart easier. The moment I thought things couldn't get any worse Mind John, that's what I decided to call him because he was definitely not my John, goes for my neck. At first he just smells it like a dog, then he goes and drags his tongue up it like one too. I take a breathe of air as to gasp from this disgusting act only to notice the heat of his tongue, he had a temperature unlike everything else in my mind state. He was out with my physical self and some how managed to get into my dream state, I needed to wake up before this nightmare goes too far.

"Stop! Stop it this instant or so help me whoever the hell you are, you will regret it!" I yelled at the man with the face of my old friend. I then swung my head into his with full force, it hurt a good bit but it got him to lose his balance on me and he fell off. He rubbed the side of his head of where I hit and just as I was about to jump out of my seat to beat the living shit out of him I noticed I physically couldn't. My hands wouldn't lift from the chair and my ankles could just barely lift off the floor. The more I tried to to pull away from the chair the brighter the room became and soon with all the fear building up in my heart finally coming to surface so did the real world.

I was awake but the real world was just about as terrible as the nightmare I just threw myself out of. My wrists were tied above my head to the headboard above me and the one good thing about my length,

(𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚔)

served to prove itself as I was too long for this twin bed so my feet hung about a two inches over the edge. It made it awkward for whoever tied me up to properly do so which was a minor advantage I had at the moment. It meant with enough movement I could maybe fray the rope to break, the only other parts of me that weren't strapped to the bed were my head, chest, and waist area.

"Why do you always go for the fucking head?!? I'm gonna get my third concussion at this rate if you keep that shit up." Sebastian said while holding his head on the floor. At least that's what I thought he was doing, bound appendages make it somewhat hard to move around and check on people one had just head butted.

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