A new Life {D.D&G.S}

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"I can't do that anymore.. take me away.." she whispered.

Warnings: anxiety, panic attack, fluff, abuse/talk of abusw, talk about weight

PoV Nobody:

The 17 years old Coraline sat at the window in her foster home/adoption center thing
Her parents abandoned her because they couldn't take care of the girl.
Ever since that she's been living at the foster home, hoping to get adopted by someone.
As she was little, her hopes were big, I mean, everyone wants a little child which is almost still a baby.
But nobody wanted her. They came to look at children but they never took her.
They thought she was weird, she was different just because she had scars from her past. Her parents used to hit and kick her all the time.
Coraline didn't know why and what she had done to them but they never liked her.
She was happy when she was taken, or brought, to the foster care, because she knew now that she could try to recover from everything.
She did, it was better now but she still didn't feel as if everything could be better.

Coraline looked out to the moon over Rome, thinking about how it'd be to finally have a family, a home.
A loving mother, a loving father, friends, maybe even pets.
She always wanted a cat or a dog, but she never was allowed.
"I'm so tired of it all.. people at school bully me, the experiences of my past are haunting me.. whenever someone shouts, I flinch and I run up to my room.. help me find a family, a home.. please.. " Coraline whispered to the moon, her only friend.
With tears in her eyes, she went to bed, falling into a dreamless sleep.

Coraline was awoken the next morning by the sun, that shone through her curtains.
She rubbed her eyes, sitting up and thinking about what she could do today.
Since she loved taking pictures, she decided to put on her favorite outfit, grab her camera and just go photographing the beauty of Rome.
Coraline stood up and went over to her closet, picking out an outfit for the day.

Coraline stood up and went over to her closet, picking out an outfit for the day

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{outfit, I'm sorry if you don't like it<3}

She wanted to cover her arms and her legs, but she loved this outfit.
Then she packed her backpack with her phone, her camera and something drink before she went downstairs.
It was still quite early, but she knew, that Alena, one of the workers from the foster care, was there.
She went over to the kitchen and found Alena there, saying
"Hey good Morning Alena, I'm going out to take pictures and so on, I'll be back later today so don't wait for me with lunch or so"
"That's okey, do you wanna eat something for breakfast?" Alena asked back.
She just shook her head no, before putting on her shoes and then went out.

Coraline took a deep breath, sucking I the slightly fresh Morning air from the early autumn. She loved autumns the most, it was her favorite season.
It wouldn't be cold today, but the mornings were always a little fresh.
Coraline made her way through the city, taking some pictures here and there, loving everything.
She knew, she had a good eye for this and that's why she just loved it.
It was something she could actually do, something that she was good at.

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