(Chapter 6) The Bamboo Forest Part 3

Start from the beginning

Y/N : "Huh? oh right yes i've eat in Mystia's stand before i leave"

Mokou : "Then glad to hear... Lets go in the house?"

Y/N : "Oh but... that i did yesterday..."

Mokou : "No its fine. Lets go and i want you to help me with something"

Y/N : "Oh alright then. And thanks"

Mokou : "N-No problem!"

Then we go to my house cause i need to apologize too what we did to the human yesterday

(Timeskip) (Time check 8:50 Am Tuesday)


Mokou : "I'll make some tea wait me here"

Y/N : "Thank you Mokou"

and then Mokou go to the kitchen

Y/N : "What to do now... Oh right!" i bring out one of the book on my bag and read it

Mokou : "Hey Y/N right?"

Y/N : "Oh yeah right"

Mokou : "Here's your tea"

Y/N : "Thank you"


Mokou : "hey um..."

Y/N : "Oh right. You need me for something right?"

Mokou : "R-Right..."

Y/N : "Then what it is?"

Mokou : "Can you just help me on my stand later?"

Y/N : "Oh sure why not?"

Mokou : "Thanks"

*Silence again...*

Mokou : "Hey Y/N"

Y/N : "Yeah?"

Mokou : "I-im..."

Y/N : "Im?"

Mokou : "Im sorry what we did to you yesterday!"

Y/N : "Oh that im sorry too. cause i use my magic to you guys haha"

Mokou : "thanks..."

Y/N : "Anyways can i go outside?"

Mokou : "Why?"

Y/N : "I need to test this spell..."

Mokou : "Oh sure. I'll lead you somewhere"

Y/N : "Thank you"

Then we started walking through the middle of the bamboo forest

(Timeskip) (Time check 9:20 Am Tuesday)

Mokou : "Just focus on me Y/N!"

Y/N : "Im trying!" Yes Mokou practicing me about some magics

Mokou : "Come on hit me!"

Y/N : "Im trying wait!" then i saw a bullet coming from me but i block it

Mokou : "Good Job Y/N!"

Y/N : "Thanks" Then i started casting magics again...

Mokou : "Why didn't try your enemy control while attacking them?"

Y/N : "I can't it can drain my energy fast"

Mokou : "I see... Then you need more training Y/N!"

Y/N : "Whaaaaaat?!"

Mokou : "You need to train more!"

Y/N : "I hate moving around!"

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