Momentary Bliss

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Striding into a pristine chrome trailer, 2D's gaze fell onto two of his bandmates looking particularly relaxed, Russel aimlessly flipped through a comic Noodle had lent him titled 'Tank Girl', only averting his attention from it's gritty imagery to regard the singer with a cool "How ya doing, man?" Meanwhile, Ace stood next to him, dissatisfied as he plucked the strings of his untuned bass arrythmically, wordlessly acknowledging the singer with a haughty pat on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm alright." 2D confirmed faintly, craning his head around the space, examining its contents. Recently, it wasn't surprising to see the band's trailers remain not only intact, but also spotless - organised, even. It seemed that Murdoc's mere presence was the catalyst that made everything fall apart. Attempting to relieve these suddenly invasive thoughts, the blunette shook his head, asking "Where's Noodle?" With Ace being too engrossed in playing his bass to comprehend the question, Russel casually placed the graphic novel down and shrugged.

"Out on the beach, they're filming her scenes with the collaborators, I think." As the singer let out a distracted "oh." their new bassist suddenly perked up and stood at full attention, pushing his shades back up the bridge of his pointed nose.

"Hey, that reminds me - have any of you fellas seen my pocket knife? I'm gonna need it for some basketball later." Simultaneously, Russel and 2D looked quizzically at the new bassist, who coyly shrugged before elaborating, "What? I said I'd play basketball, I didn't say I'd play fair - I'm gonna pop the damn ball, okay?"

Russel couldn't help but let out a huge, unsupressable guffaw, "These whack ass ... crackers?" He winced as he attempted to discern whether a person whose skin resembled lime peel more than crackers identified as white, or something else entirely. Upon noticing this, the new bassist cackled. It was contagious and soon giggling filled the trailer, echoing off of its aluminium walls as the men continued like schoolgirls. It was always like this with the new band - the mood always seemed lighter somehow.

Pleasantries were abruptly interrupted when a sonorous bang rung through the space, revealing an immaculately pedicured foot, completely tan save for a 'Y' shape created by flip-flops. 2D followed this foot up to a familiar face - whitened teeth gleamed from a mischievous grin that the singer immediately recognised. "Noodle!" the blunette greeted, relieved that hours of filming hadn't left her any less vibrant and lively. She'd learnt this particular door opening technique from Murdoc - often during the recording of the first album, he'd recklessly burst into a room whilst his arms were occupied by pages of scrawled lyrics or various odd instruments - much to the dismay of Russel who valued 'Zen', though he didn't seem to mind so much when Noodle did it.

"2D!" The guitarist chirped, playfully swiping the singer's arm with her fist - despite her affinity for martial arts, she managed not to strip all feeling from 2D's right side. "My enterance scared you, no?" Embarrassed, the singer let out a shallow laugh and tried to change the subject.

"So, what's goin' on now, Noodz?" He asked, shifting his weight about aimlessly, arms limp and swaying at his sides. Unimpressed, she merely raised an eyebrow.

"They didn't tell you? Last minute interview - scheduled for 5 minutes from now." Exasperated, she collapsed into a seat beside Russel with a sigh before recognising the comic she'd gifted him and immediately becoming elated, pressing her thumb upon one side and eagerly aiding Russel in turning each page. 2D looked upon his bandmates, so peaceful, so bonded, so...


The singer felt happy. Just happy. He hadn't felt like that in a long time. Perhaps he merely felt nostalgia for an emotion long forgotten? Nevertheless, he revelled in the comfort of 'whole-ness' - something about this unlikely group of partners felt familial, complete... save for one person.

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