Foxy. Now, who, you ask, is Foxy?

Foxy the Pirate Fox was loved by many children, the parents however were always nervous around him. He was an awesome captain to have, a good friend, too. Sadly, the bite of '87 occurred, and Foxy and Pirate's Cove were put out of order. I know you're curious, but I can say no more.


After her 'surprise' appearance, the girl, who we now know is Katrina, sat down in a random seat and fiddled with the straw in her non-alcoholic rum. She wrinkled her nose in playful disgust, and dropped the straw, obviously bored with nothing much to do, in her opinion. Suddenly, an employee walked over to her. Staring blankly at him she asked in her awkwardly natural pirate-y accent, "Whad'dya want, mate?" The employee looked surprised to hear her accent, but recovered and questioned, "Are you apart of this birthday party, kid? Cause you're at their table."


Katrina looked behind her to see a group of young children surrounding a specific someone, a specific someone with lilac-coloured hair...

"Neh," she said to the employee, carelessly waving a tanned hand in his face, "but th' lass wid th' purple knots is me mate." Obviously, the employee couldn't understand her wording, so Kat repeated. "Th' lass wid th' purple knots- the BIRTHDAY LASS!" She suddenly exploded, earning stares from a few people, including the said 'birthday lass'.


Smiling, Bonny recognized the easily-angered pirate voice of her choice-sister, and got up out of her seat, ignoring the fact that she had just deserted everyone at the table. "Hello, Kat," She whispered in the redhead's ear, causing her to jump in surprise. A few moments was all it took for Katrina to be physically and mentally excited. "Lass!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around the petite girl's neck, "Happy birthday! I'm sorry fer not bein' able t' show up as expected." Throwing her own arm around Kat's shoulders, Bonny said, "I don't blame you. It is, after all, your birth-sister's birthday."

Chuckling, Katrina let go slowly of Bonny's neck, and motioned over to the five or so other children waiting at the other end of the table. "Ye'd best be gettin' back t' yer crew, lass, they seem quite un-flattered tha' yer hangin' round wid this scruffy low-life." Chuckling her own unique chuckle as well, Bonny walked back over to her guests, but not before gesturing for the supposed 'low-life' to join them. As Kat was walking over to the group of children, Bonny smiled.

"If you were a scruffy low-life, why would I be asking you to join us?"


"Buh-bye! See ya soon! See you at school, Martha!" Bonny said, waving goodbye to her guests. The only ones left were herself and Katrina. When Bonny was done waving off her guests, she noticed Kat wasn't beside her anymore. Looking around a tad, she finally found her sitting on the centre stage, admiring the looming animatronic closest to her, which just happened to be Bonnie. Bonny skipped over to her friend and sat down beside her, in a way so that she was right under the bunny animatronic. Kat noticed this and chuckled again. "Ye sure 'ave taken a mighty fine likin' t' tha' robot," She mentioned, sliding over on her butt towards the only other person in the room. Bonny blushed at that. 'She noticed???' The lilac-haired girl thought, embarrassed.

Katrina noticed Bonny blushing as well and let out a loud, hearty sailor laugh. Bonny felt embarrassed again and buried her face in her arms. "Aww, 'tis alright, lass." The comforting voice of her 'eldest sister' stopped her embarrassment. Taking her head out of her arms' grasp, she giggled. "It was a bit embarrassing, though." Katrina put her arm around Bonny's shoulders. "Like I said, ''tis alright, lass'. Everyone gits kiddie crushes nowadays. Heck even yer ol' mate has 'un."

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