Chapter 2

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The next day

We both woke up and got ready for meeting. Dami say me grabbing the prince outfit that was in all black so he did as well. I smiled watching Dami wearing something he was comfortable in. Our door opened and the king threw dresses at us. I shield Dami behind me and threw the dresses back. The king walked over to me and punched me in the stomach. He started to get to Dami but I pushed him away and shielded Dami.

King:Fine wear that outfit. Dami go wait in the halls now!

Dami:Yes sir (hurries and Leaves)

King:As for you (lifts Site on head up and punches her in the stomach again) You I'll obey me understand.

Siyeon(spits on him and falls on the ground):I rather not listen to you.

King:Then ill beat you until you will.

His kicks went into my stomach his fist in my face. I could fell blood in my mouth. He kept kicking me until I put my hands out to block him from hitting me. He tossed bandages at me and left out the room. I didn't want Dami to see me so I put the bandage around my waist and eyepatch on my eye and mask to cover my mouth. I held Dami close to me and put him on my horse and we both headed to the meeting. I help Dami down and we was greeding by our mother. I hurried and looked for my father but the king pulled me into a different room and slapped me.

Park King:Disobey me again? I know I said wear them your supposed to have on a dress. You idiots. Your a female. Your going to embarrassed the name. Go and put on a dress.

Siyeon:Go suck a dick (kicks him in the balls and leaves)

I ran into my mother arms and Dami looked me at.

Dami:Excuse me brother for being nosey. Why just you wear an eye patch and mask? Is that a handprint on your face?

Siyeon:I'm fine I promise.

Dami:Holy whiskers! Mother he's been abusing her and I don't like it.

Siyeon:Me either mother. It hurts... It hurts.

Queen:Please dont cry my love. This is what the meeting is about. The others are arriving can you stand?

Siyeon:I'll be fine mother my little brother needs to sit.

Dami:Siyeon... Please

Siyeon(pats Dami head):Go ahead and sit. I'll be fine.

Dami(sits down):But it doesn't feel right brother.

Siyeon:I'm here to protect you not use you my little brother. Please stay seated and listen to meeting I'll be fine no matter what.

The other kings queens princesses and prince came in. My mouth almost widen to see who all came. Jiu Sua Handong Yoohyeon and Gahyeon. I held on to my stomach still in pain. Beforw they sat down I pulled out there seats and bowed.

Siyeon:Can i get you anything sir and madam?

Kim King:Your a prince not a servant.

Siyeon:I was told to do this sir.

Kim King:By who?

Siyeon:King Park sir.

Kim King:Is this true King Park?

Park King:Yes sir.

Kim Queen:Why are you wearing a mask eyepatch and bandage around your waist Prince Siyeon?

Siyeon:I injured myself training my horse madam.

Lee Queen:No need to lie son tell the truth.

Kim Queen:Let's hear from your brother Prince Dami shall we?

Dami:King Park abused my brother because he wants us in a dress and marry men. My brother stood up to him and he slap him and made me leave the room. I assumed he abused brother. He protected me so I wouldn't get injured.

Lee King:See he's not able to have them for a year! I disapprove he keep abusing my kids. I won't allow it.

Park King:Then you should've though about it before you gave them away.


Lee Queen:Excuse me?!?! Our sons was taken away from us. How then they end up with you? He shouldn't be king.

Kim King:Then its settled. A battle will happen. King Park vs King Lee. Who ever wins become both king of both places. Deal?

Jiu:Father we shouldn't do that.

Kim King:Why not son?

Yoohyeon:Sorry to interrupt but one of them will die. It won't be right of there father die and there stuck with a abusive king.

Gahyeon:I agree as well.

Kim King:Prince Jiu i see you have a amazing girlfriend who is intelligent.

Jiu:Thank you father.

Park King:They are not allowed to date women they are females. They need to be with a man

Kim King:Thats my son not yours he has the right to do what ever he wants and be whoever he wants to be.

Lee Queen:And I agree. You didnt even know that Gahyeon and Handong are together.

Sua:Excuse me for jumping in but father you wont let me date a female.

Park King:See.

Kim Queen: Dear we walked about this over 100 times.

Siyeon(grips on Dami chair and whispers):Dami...

Dami:Brother are you okay?

Siyeon:I don't feel good.

Dami:Please take my seat brother (stands up)

Siyeon:N-no Dami. I- I- don't f-feel eh well.

Dami:Brother please allow me to help you.

Siyeon(looks at Dami):Take care of your self okay.

Dami:Please dont say that.

Siyeon(Falls down on group):...


Kim King:Queen Lee please allow your kids to stay at my castle. My men will be able to work on your son.

Sua(looks at Siyeon):Dad he's losing too much blood.

Lee Queen:You have my word. If my son is pronounced dead I'll kill you.

Kim Queen:Guards get them.

Dami(Walks to Park King):If he dies, I'll bring hell to you and your guards. You might have abused my brother but I'll be damned if you touch me and my mother again. You'll never be a good king. Only thing you'll ever be good at is underground prison.

Park King:Enough!

King Park drew his sword and tried to hit Dami but Dami immediately drew his sword at the king neck only an inch away from cutting his Adam. Dami put his sword away and hurried to catch up with Siyeon. Jiu Sua Handong Yoohyeon and Gahyeon followed getting in there horses. Dami didnt have a horse since his horse passed away. Dami called Siyeon horse which galloped his away to Dami. The horse kneel down for Dami to get on and Dami hurried and got on. The horse followed Siyeon smell and was worried as well. Dami kept rubbing the horse telling it Siyeon will be okay.

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