"Hey dad. I just want to thank you again for always believing in me. After my ACL I thought I couldn't do it but you did. You always have. I love you and I can't wait to see you soon."

Muffled voices converse in the background for a few seconds until her dad responds. "Okay. Well the doctor just entered the room. I have to let you go but I love you."

"Okay." The defender stated dejected. She wanted nothing more then to be there with her mom but her dad wouldn't let her. She couldn't imagine how hard it was on her dad who seemed to be the glue holding the family together after her mother's diagnosis and her sister leaving the family for her boyfriend.

She called back her friends, college teammates, and even a few older friends. She was tired, mentally after the call with her dad. She was short with her replies while not being rude.

After the last call had been answered she put on nicer clothes. Jeans, a blouse, and converse. She ditched the makeup and grabbed her purse. She made sure she had everything important on her before walking to the hotel lobby. She walked into the bar and perched herself on the furthest seat. Having a clear view of who came and left the bar.

She flagged down the barkeep and waited as he tended to the customer 7 chairs down.

"What can I get for you today?"

"Long Island." The rookie replied.

"Coming right up." The bartender pulled the glass from the rack and started making the drink as the short woman stared at the buzzing customers. Some in groups of 3-5 people others on dates and some by themselves shooting the shit with who ever would

That was one thing she liked about bars. Besides for the occasional one night stand. She liked the atmosphere.

She was brought out of her trance as the bartender set the drink infront of her. She quickly got the message and pulled out a 10 dollar bill and handed them bill allowing him to keep the change.

He thanked her before moving onto the next awaiting customer.

She sipped her Long Island and reflected on her past 4 years. She had gone through the very high highs of winning a bowl game, getting her team to the playoffs, and even being called up to the u-23's. And then she went through the lowest of lows, tearing her ACL in back to back seasons, her freshman and sophomore year, her mothers diagnosis, the lost of her best friend and teammates Avery.

She felt one thing. A foreign feeling that she hadn't get since freshman year of high school. Loneliness.

Here she was in a room full of people milling about and she was lonely. She drank the rest of her drink quickly before walking out of the bar for some air.

She sat on the step leading out of the hotel towards the pool with her head in her hands. She took a few deep breathes to steady herself as a person made their presence known by taking a seat on the step beside her.

They didn't touch her. They just sat beside her quietly. It was minutes of silence before Natalie lifted her head from between her knees and squinted through the darkening sky at the blonde person beside her.

"Who are you?" Natalie questioned a little too harshly. Staring intently at the mystery person.

"Jane Campbell. You're new teammate." The blonde woman said with an easy smile.

It was comforting. Natalie felt relaxed in her presence much like when she was in her moms.

"I'm Natalie. But you Umm know that."

"Well it's nice to meet you anyways Natalie."

"Why did you follow me out here." The defender questioned harshly. Not trying to be overtly rude but the need to be alone was growing with the days events.

"I saw you in the bar and you looked sad. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. If you won't want me here just say that." The keeper said dejected.

Jane had no malicious intent. Her intent was one of care and compassion for the young girl going through the feels of draft day.

"I don't want you here." The short woman replied stoically.

"Have a good night Natalie." Jane said trying to cover up her hurt but respecting the rookies decision.

Natalie was accompanied by a new emotion. Grief with a hint of regret. She didn't mean to be rude to the woman, much less her new teammate. She just wanted to be alone. Nothing a good cry couldn't fix and she was due for one.

She waited a few minutes before heading back into the hotel not wanting to run into the tall blonde woman shins after their last interaction.

Once a suitable amount of time had passed she reentered the hotel and headed for the elevators. She rode up to her floor and stalked somberly to her room. Arriving inside she ditched her clothes for shorts and a t shirt that she had previously worn. She walked to the bathroom and completed her nightly routine before falling asleep.

Well not really.

She laid flat on her back staring at the ceiling.

She was sulking. Like a child.

She knew it was stupid. She was heavily embarrassed. She ran through the whole interaction between her and the keeper. The heat rising in her cheeks the more times she ran through the interaction.

She wasn't only embarrassed about the interaction but what could follow when she arrives in Houston for final cuts.

It seemed like hours as she spiraled deeper in her thoughts finally succumbing to sleep when the sun started to peak over the building off in the distance.


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