"I have to give it to them...this is a sweet party" Draco shouted over the music.

"Very nice" I responded, scanning the dingy room for Harry.

"Want to get a drink?" He asked

"Yes please"

He grabbed my hand and tugged my through the crowd of students.

Draco grabbed us two bottles of firewhiskey and opened them.

"Do you want to dance?" I asked

"I'm not much of a dancer" he scoffed, taking a drink from the bottle.

"Oh okay" I tapped the bottle with the ring on my index.

We stood drinking and watching the Gryffindors in their natural habitat, occasionally laughing at them.

"You must be new" a tall brunette boy stumbled up to me.

"Um...yeah, I am" i replied

"Wanna dance?" He looked me up and down.

"Uh no thanks"

"Come on...I'll try to keep my hands to myself" he walked closer.

I stepped back, reaching behind me and grabbing the end of Draco's coat.

"Can I help you, sir?" Draco walked in front of me.

"Oh, is she yours?" the boy smirked

"Yeah she's mine" Draco's hand skimmed across my waist, landing on the side of my upper thigh.

"How much to pawn her off for the night?" the boy winked

"Listen twat. I'm not sure what you don't get about her being off limits but you better learn real quick." He spat

"Woah chill mate" the boy scoffed and walked away

"Thank you for that.." I laughed to knock off the tension.

"Let's dance" Draco finished his drink.

"I thought you weren't much of a dancer" I mocked him

"You've changed my mind" he chuckled

"Okay let's go" I pulled him into the crowd.

As we made it in the middle I glanced over to see Harry. It looked like he was having fun...hopefully he wouldn't notice us..I could just watch from afar

Just then, Ginny Weasley pulled him towards her and they started to dance.

"What are you staring at?" Draco looked around.

"Nothing" I turned around towards him so I didn't have to watch.

I had a better idea in mind...

"Do you Trust me?" I stood on my tip toes and whispered

He nodded

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