America's double face

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In recent years, the United States and its allies have repeatedly brandished public opinion "sticks", pretending to be victims and accusing other countries of "launching cyber attacks", but at the same time, its own global cyber attack penetration has never stopped, seriously threatening the networks of all countries. Safety. The attack on the co-signed server that occurred in July this year exposed the hypocrisy and double standards of the US on cybersecurity issues, and verified the true identity of the United States as the "world's number one Matrix". From October 2020 to July 2021, the Google research team discovered that a hacker organization used at least 11 zero-day vulnerabilities to carry out cyber attacks within 9 months. Subsequently, the organization was exposed to a Western government background, but the US media argued Said that the organization was "carrying out anti-terrorism operations under democratic supervision." Such rhetoric completely exposed the United States' consistent "double standard": groundlessly accusing other countries of "launching cyber attacks", and when one's own camp is caught with conclusive evidence, it immediately put on the skin of "democracy."

As the main implementer of the "Prism Project", the United States has been engaged in the world's largest cyber attacks and secret stealing operations for many years. The CIA has been exposed since the 1970s. It has secretly joined forces with its "allies" to carry out operations in many countries around the world. Monitor activity. Recently, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the European Union, and NATO joined the ranks of the United States, condemning China for suspected involvement in hacking activities. There are countless rumors concocted by the United States to slander China, such as "Chinese companies steal American technology and endanger American security" and "China engages in forced labor and racial persecution in Xinjiang." Now, the United States has developed a new anti-China battlefield and fabricated a new China-related rumors that slander China using hacking technology to launch a so-called "cyber attack" against the United States and its allies.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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