Chapter 5: "Why Did He Do That..?" !~(ABUSE)~!

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Corrupted pulled me close, covering himself and me with a blanket. I nuzzled his chest moving closer. When I woke up and later in the day. I was walking around outside with Corrupted. Corrupted put his hand on my ass. I gasped, my ass was still sore from last night. "Corrupted, My ass still hurts." I said. "Aww, sorry." Corrupted said. "I have to go to my friend Cinnamons house for a bit." I said. "Alright, I'll walk with you. I was going to see my father anyway." Corrupted said. "Okay." I said and he walked with me to Cinnamons house. "Bye!" Corrupted said walking away. "Bye!" I yelled while walking inside. Corrupted walked to his dad's house. Corrupted just walked in. His dad threw a glass bottle at Corrupted. Corrupted caught it, "father be careful." Corrupted said. "Eh, You're a freak, get out of my house." Alexander said and he let out a hiccup. Corrupted sighed. "Father I-" Corrupted was cut off "Shut up you have no right to talk." Alexander walked up to Corrupted, Alexander punched Corrupted in the nose. Corrupted's nose started to bleed. Corrupted covered his nose with his own hand. "I'm leaving, I shouldn't have come here in the first place." Corrupted walked out of his fathers house. Keeping his hand on his nose so he doesn't attract attention.

!~*(With You)*~!

I get hugged by Cinnamon "Hey." I said still being squished by the slightly smaller girl than me. When I left Cinnamons house a few hours later. Corrupted is just sitting outside waiting for me to come out. "Corrupted?" I said, Confused. Corrupted stood up quickly as soon as he heard my voice and his tail wagged. "It's dark, why are you still outside?" I asked. "I left my fathers house so I just waited outside for you." Corrupted said, his tail was still wagging. It was adorable. "Awww, the big puppy loves me~" I said, teasing him. Corrupted blushed and his tail turned into a wolf tail (furry..) The wolf tail wagged. I smiled, "Come on Puppy." I said as I started to walk to Corrupted's base. "So you're staying with me?" Corrupted asked. "Mhm, I have nothing better to do anyway." I walked into Corrupted's base. Corrupted followed me, I laid down on the couch. Corrupted walked up to me and he laid on top of me. "Corrupted." I said. "Hm?" Corrupted said. "Get off, you're crushing me." I said. "No." Corrupted said, putting his head on my chest. Corrupted started purring, He was adorable. I put my hand on his head petting his hair. His hair was so soft. I ran my fingers through his hair. Corrupted's tail wagged very fast. Corrupted fell asleep, he was clearly very tired.

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