chapter one: welcome home boys

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Narrator's pov:

Trudy Sinclair rode quietly in the backseat in of her husband's Chevrolet Chevelle. At each of her side were her new born sons Beauregard, "bo" for short, and Vincent. Her husband, Victor Sinclair was a doctor and had been able to successfully perform a separation surgery on the boys, you see, Bo and Vincent had been born conjoined with half of Vincent's face had been joined to the back of Bo's head.

It was a controversial procedure and it was met with backlash from almost everyone. Doctors warned the parents not to go through with the surgery cause there was no telling  what the side effects might be in the long run. Both boys especially Vincent, could have permanent brain damage or trauma.

But it had been two weeks since the surgery and the boys hadn't presented any problems post-operation. Victor had decided to take his new family into a small town named Ambrose, to have a fresh start away from the hectic city.

Trudy looked down at her sleeping newborns with an adoring smile.

"My sweet little ones, you'll be happy in your new home, won't you?" She coos at the infants. Her smile fades as she stares at Vincent's head, which was almost completely wrapped up in bandages.

She felt sorry for her son, knowing that he would bare the brunt of the scarring, although bo also had scars, just not as extensive as his brother's. She didn't regret the surgery though, the boys would have a better shot at a normal life now. At that moment, Bo began to cry.

"Sh sh it's okay sweetie momma's here." Trudy tries to calm the child with gentle touches but he only cried more and louder.

"Trudy, can you please keep him quiet for more than five minutes!" Victor calls out from. The front seat. "I don't see the other one screaming his head off every two seconds."

Trudy picks up the fussing child and gently sways him. To no avail. "He's probably just hungry." She says, getting a bottle of milk out. Bo kept crying for a while longer but eventually calms down and feeds quietly.

Trudy sighs in relief. She kisses the baby's forehead. The only thing Before the surgery she had noticed was that Vincent became the less fussy one and Bo became the fussy one. She hoped her son's didn't inherit their fathers short temper, although bo seemed well on his way.

Victor didn't have a very positive environment as a child and never quite learned how to channel his emotions constructively so he does what he knows best, lash out in anger and would say or do things he didn't mean. He scared her sometimes  But Trudy loved her husband dearly and he her.

She knows he had been under immense pressure what with the complicated birth of their sons and the risks the surgery presented. He was so worried he might not be able to do it and end up costing the children their lives, that's why he was being snippy.

She looks out the window as they pass their little town. She was looking forward to continuing her wax sculptures which she was famous for locally. She even had  began working on her own house of wax but had to stop due to her pregnancy. Her husband sometimes helped her when he didn't have other work to do.

She smiles again to herself. She was looking forward to passing the tradition to the new generation of Sinclairs...

Twisted (Bo sinclair, house of wax)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz