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Okay, hi!
I want to start by saying a quick welcome to my friends and followers, new readers, and those in between. Some of you wonderful readers are coming from Peaches, and I'm so excited to share this story with you, as it is somewhat of a spin-off.
Candy will also have a dark tone, dealing with topics concerning heavy drug addiction, and the brutal tellings of a prostitute. That will mean a fuck-ton of sex [Consensual] and bad decisions.

Leading me to say,
Characters in this story will not always make the favorable choice. You won't agree with some of the actions made, and I'm sure you'll find the errors in their judgment far better than they could. You might find that you get frustrated on the path following the story, as you want to root for the characters but see that their decisions lead to their downfall. That, ladies and gentleman, is the struggle of addiction.
Be ready to love, hate, weep and chuckle at the complicated life of Candy.

We're diving riiight in on chapter one, please be prepared for a detailed scene between two characters. Thought I'd give you a little heads up so I don't sweep you off your feet with no warning.


Also, go ahead and play the song attached. It's important. Kinda. To me.


Trigger warnings:
Vile language
Graphic drug use/abuse
Graphic mention of needles
Unfiltered sexual encounters
Graphics depiction of addiction

Alright, baby. Let's get into it.

 Let's get into it

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