Oneshots: KEIGO TAKAMI 'Naive'

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[Requested by Cold_Inferno I hope you enjoy and like what I've done with this.]

Note: I am unsure if everyone saw the last chapters note so I'll say it again. I have closed requests for the time being if you ever want to check if they are open or not it'll be in the story description. I am not mad at any of you for not seeing it for whatever reason its just please hold off on them for the moment :)

Third P.O.V

People describe you as naive. They were probably right with the amount of warnings of Keigo's weird behaviour you had gotten and yet you ignored them. Plus you didn't piece it together that those people always went missing after they warned you of him.

You considered Keigo a really good friend of yours. You trusted him fully. How naive you were...

Currently, you were at Keigo's house and he was called out for a quick robbery which he'd said would only take a minute so he told you to stay put while he dealt with it.

However, you have always been quite nosy so you decided to poke around his house looking at different bits and bobs. Then you noticed a wooden panel on the floor was a bit jagged and you bent down and moved it to reveal a leather book.

You picked it up and debated whether to open it or not. After thinking it over for a few minutes you opened it and began to read. At first you thought it was Keigo's diary but the first page had you a little concerned. It was just your name repeated again and again on the page some of them neatly while some looked scribbled on.

The book's edges also were a dried crimson colour and you pondered on what it could be.

The next page was similar but this time it was all the names of the people who had gone missing recently their names neatly crossed out with a straight red line and there was a dot of that dried crimson again next to each name.

Underneath the crossed out names there were some others that had yet to be crossed out nor have a dot of crimson next to them. They were some of your colleagues names and a few of your relatives and friends.

The next page was photos of you. There were 4 on the double page one of them omwhen you were walking home, one with you asleep, another being you eating some ice cream and the last being you chatting with someone but that person's face had been scribbled over.

Flipping to the next page it was quotes of things you had said to him. Even things as small as a little compliment a few months back which no way he would of remembered all this.

Pages after that were all similar with diary entries but instead of about Keigo's day to day life it was about yours instead for some reason. Somehow, he knew every little detail of your day to day life but he shouldn't know this, why and how does he know this?

You began to panic not wanting to stay in Keigo's house any longer you stood up and got ready to leave. Now realising all the red flags you had ignored meant. Keigo wasn't the charming and flirty guy you knew not at all. Suddenly, a voice echoed from down the hallway freezing you to your core.

"My dear dove, what are you doing?" you froze at the sound of Keigo's voice from down the hallway as he began to walk towards you. You tried to put the book back but were too slow so you just ran up the stairs wanting to get as far away as possible.

Keigo smiled in amusement as he watched you stumble up the stairs clumsily, desperate to get away from him. He looked down at the book at his feet and picked it up holding it as he followed you up the stairs taking his time walking up each step.

Meanwhile, you were freaking out trying to find a hiding spot as you heard the stairs creak as Keigo walked up them. The only place that you could hide in that amount of time was under the bed and you did so holding your breath as you tried to hold on your tears.

You could hear Keigo checking other rooms and after a few minutes he came inside the room you were in and the sound of a door locking indicated that he knew you were in here.

He looked in his closer humming as he searched places such as behind things and under places. The last place he had to check was under the bed and you closed your eyes tightly with fear.

When you opened them again you were met with the insane eyes of Keigo and you screamed before he dragged you out by your ankle.

At first, you thought he was going to hurt you but then he picked you up and sat on the bed putting you between his legs as he wrapped his arms around you and opened up the book to the page you were at.

"I spent a lot of time on this book I hope you've liked it so far let's continue where you left off shall we?" he said before he began reading each part of your day to you slowly and by the tone of his voice you could tell he was enjoying your fear.

He kept reading flipping through the pages as you shivered in his arms. You wanted to kick or shove him away but you were frozen with fear as you were forced to listen to your entire routine day by day until he finally got to the last page. It was today.

"Ah yes, I haven't finished this let's do it together" he said before taking a pen from his bedside table and wrote the words.

'Y/n finally became mine.'

[Don't mind my errors they're unintentional. I hope you enjoyed and like what I've made I'll probably edit this in the future as I'm not sure if you could tell but this was rushed so I could get it out so expect this to be updated in the future!]

Word Count: 1071


(H) Headcanons
(O) Oneshots
(S) Scenarios

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