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[Requested by marvelrulez. I hope you enjoy and that you're doing well remember to take care of yourself!]

Note: Requests are now closed for the time being as there are quite a lot I need to do plus I'm kinda wanting to go back and edit some previous chapters.

- How do the yandere comfort you -

->  This boy will be the best at making you feel better. Eijiro will be at your side instantly asking you what's wrong and how he should help after all you may need certain comfort methods for different times that you are upset.

-> If you want to be left alone, he'd leave you alone. Whatever you say he'd do; aside from letting you leave of course there's a few exceptions to what he can help you with like leaving or calling someone but everything else he can try help you with.

-> When it comes to you being upset as you want to leave Eijiro will hold you and lean you against his body humming to you and if you pull away he'd just sigh and then leave you alone to calm yourself down.

-> Overall, Eijiro is a great cuddler when it comes to falling asleep at night after a bit of crying he keeps you warm and holds you tightly even if he's your captor you feel calm within his arms.


-> He'd panic once he sees you crying. Izuku will be freaking out not knowing what on earth to do and how to stop you crying.

-> Izuku would just pull you into his arms and hug you, hoping to All Might that you don't freak out and get worse. He'd be sweating as you continue crying but once he hears them calm down he'd sigh in utter relief as he continues to hold you.

-> Once you quiet down he'd keep hold of you until you pull away yourself and dry your eyes.

-> Izuku would then get you a glass of water and let you say why you were upset as he listens, focusing on every word you say to see what he can also do to help you.


-> She'd be trying to not cry with you as well. Ochako would bring you some mochi hoping that would help you and when it doesn't she'd freak out.

-> Ochako would cupping your face as she wipes tear after tear as you continue crying in her arms. She'd kind of fail at comforting you as she would just dry your eyes as you eventually cry yourself to sleep in her arms.

-> Then she would then put you to bed and tuck you in before preparing your favourite things to make you feel better when you wake up.

-> Once you wake up she's got all your favourite foods (well as much as she can afford) and favorite drinks ect. She'd then be asking what was wrong as you snack and asking what you want her to do whenever you are upset.


-> She's going to smother you with affection once she sees you in distress; Tsuyu has experience from when her siblings would get upset so she'd easily be able to pacify you.

-> Tsuyu would dry your tears as she asks you what's wrong. If at first you don't tell her she'll reason with you saying how she can't help if you don't tell her what's wrong.

-> Once you tell her she's begin to talk to you about it. If it was about leaving she'd tell you how she couldn't because the outside world could hurt you and you were better of here with her than out there where all the danger is at.

-> She'd then give you head pats and hug you until you calm down fully.


-> He would blame himself instantly for the cause of your distress. So he'd be feeling guilty until you tell Tamaki why you are upset.

-> Even when you tell him he won't know what to do. So he'd just sit behind you and wrap his arms around your waist hiding his face in your back like he did when he got shy before he had kidnapped you.

-> Tamaki would whisper how amazing you are, would whisper all the things he loves about you and just express his forever infinite love for you.

-> If this calmed you down Tamaki would be surprised but would just continue to nuzzle into your back for comfort whether for himself or you can't be decided.


-> As soon as he sees the tears Yuga's  rushing for the tissues. He'd dab your eyes and wet cheeks gently with the tissues as he asks what on earth had made you so upset.

-> Yuga would be listening as you told him while he continued drying your tears. At some parts of the explanation he'd pout and make a little comment of 'poor thing' or something similar that.

-> He'd then make his own little fashion show where he'd have you and him compete together for the best outfit and seeing your laughs of joy makes him smile.


-> He's going to be looking side to side awkwardly as you cry as Hanta wouldn't know what on earth you were crying for and what to do about it.

-> Hanta would ask you what's wrong and if that makes it worse he's just gulp before taking your hand in his and just holding it to let you know someone was there for you.

-> Once you calm down a little he'd ask what happened he'd nod in understanding ever so often to let you know he was listening.

-> Mostly it'd be Hanta just listening to you rant and he'd just be there for you and listen until you calm down fully and fall asleep on his lap.

[Don't mind my errors they're unintentional. I hope you enjoyed!]

Word Count: 979

Next: (O) KEIGO TAKAMI 'Naive'

(H) Headcanons
(O) Oneshots
(S) Scenarios

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