"And most importantly, remember that tensions are very high when Draco and his father are in the same room. So, be prepared to find yourself intense, uncomfortable, awkward and irritated situations."

"Okay, I will. Thank you, Blaise. Really"

"Happy to help"

After that conversation, the slow song ended and the party music resumed. Jade soon joined the dance floor and Ivy left to join Draco.

Ivy sat on the couch and greeted Draco who gave her a nod. Ivy opened her mouth to say something, but Pansy and Archie came back after dancing and sat on the couch.

Pansy was wearing a black mesh dress that hugged her body and highlighted her curves with her hair curled, paired with black T-strap heels.

"Pansy, look at you. You look drop-dead gorgeous, darling. Leave Archie, marry me instead." Ivy commented looking at Pansy in wonder.

Pansy just giggled as she blushed and replied, "I am seriously considering it. I mean look at you, you look stunning." Ivy also chucked as she blushed, while Draco and Archie gave each other a worried look that said are they really going to leave us?

They started talking about the party and were soon joined by Ophelia, Imran, Blaise and Jade. Jade was wearing a hunter green coloured, slim fit, midi-dress with a side slit paired with white slingback heels and had straightened her hair. All the boys were in casual clothes, except Draco who was in his usual crisp, black suit.


A long time later, everyone started leaving as it was very late. Some were hammered while some were tired because of all the dancing. Either way, people enjoyed the party. After all, it had been a long time since everyone had let loose and were just normal teenagers.

The hosts, however, were not done with the party yet. After everyone left, Pansy noticed none of her roommates was drunk and decided to take matters into her own hands.

"Okay, considering none of you are drunk or tired, why not play a few rounds of truth or dare?" Pansy asked with bottles of alcohol in her hands. Everyone excluding Ophelia, Archie and Ivy cheered. However, Ophelia, Archie and Ivy agreed to play one round and with that, all of them sat on the floor in a circle.

The first to spin the bottle was Jade and the bottle landed on Imran. "Okay, Williams, truth or dare?" Imran asked as he smirked.

"Dare" Jade replied confidently as she took a sip of firewhiskey from her glass. Everyone oohed at Jade's reply and Blaise had a proud expression on his face.

"I dare you to kiss the person, who, according to you, looks the most attractive right now. And please feel free to use tongue" Imran replied and everyone was excited to see who Jade would pick. Pansy is the clear answer, Ivy thought.

Jade gulped down the remainder of firewhiskey in her glass and moved towards Blaise. But then turned her face to the person sitting next to him, Pansy.

"Well, here goes nothing," Jade said as she pressed her lips with Pansy's. Everyone started cheering as the girls pulled apart except Blaise, who had a betrayed expression on his face.

The next person to spin the bottle was Pansy. The bottle landed on Draco who smirked at her and asked her, "Truth or Dare, Parkinson?"


"On a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, how much would you rate you kiss with Williams?" Draco smirked

After thinking about the question, a bit, "nine" Pansy replied and everyone oohed yet again.


Now, everyone had drunk quite a bit and were starting to get more and more confident. Draco spun the bottle and it landed on Ophelia. Before she could ask the question, "Dare" Draco stated.

"I dare you to tell me, with complete honesty, what you think of my dear, Ivy" Ophelia smirked, knowing he was quite drunk to lie. Ivy who was not that drunk looked at him, awaiting his response.

"I do like her. I mean what's not to like, right? She is caring, polite, amusing, clever, talented, thoughtful and fabulous as shit. She's brilliant." Draco replied and a couple of drunks 'awws' filled the air. Ivy turned a bright red and looked down to hide it.

The game went on, but Ivy's mind was still on what Draco had said.


It was now past two so everyone decided to go to bed. Ivy plopped a drunk Blaise and Jade in their bed. Ophelia took a hammered Imran to their room, Archie took Pansy and Ivy took Draco.

Ivy laid Draco onto the bed. She waved her wand and put him into his pyjamas and then put the covers on him. After that, she changed into her pyjamas and went to bed. Draco's words still echoed in her ears and made her blush. Soon, she fell into a deep slumber.

The Marriage Law~ Draco MalfoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ