I squeezed his shoulder and proceeded to the passenger seat. Since he was here to pick me up for some reason, he might as well drive. My hands were already aching from the dumbbells I practiced with.

I got into the car and put my seatbelt on while Chris took his time, loitering around the car, checking here and there, delaying for no reason. I kept my eyes on him in the rearview mirror in front. He seemed agitated, disturbed, and something was bothering him clearly. I knew that he wouldn't answer my question directly and instead keep postponing his reply till the last moment.

I had to take extra care of him at the party if we did reach on time. He looked like someone who might end up getting drunk and hooking up with some woman who didn't plan to bother with him.

After much loitering, he opened the door and got into the driver's seat. I ran a hand through my hair as I turned on the music while he started the ignition. Eddie Cochran's 'Twenty Flight Rock' burst through the speakers and I bobbed my head to the music as Chris drove the car out of the gym. I closed my eyes, letting the tune occupy my head.

"She broke up with me," Chris said suddenly and I opened my eyes, snapping my head at him. I blinked as he looked at me in the rearview mirror. "She...she's pregnant."

Bile churned in my stomach at the information. I tore my eyes away from him and fixed them on the road.

She was pregnant? What the fuck?

"I...I told her I didn't want it...I wasn't ready," Chris continued, maneuvering the car into the highway. I was too shocked to notice that the highway wasn't supposed to be the route to Claire's school. "I told her that she had to abort and...she broke up with me."

I could hear the thud of my heart in my ear. My mouth was drying up. This was too much to process. I was yet to move on from her and she was there getting pregnant. I was supposed to be fine with them but I didn't feel fine.

I felt upset.

"Huh...what do you want me to say?" I asked him, not finding any words myself. "I'm sorry?"

"No!" Chris slammed his hands on the steering wheel as he sped up the car. "Don't say sorry. I...I just. She'll hate me. She'll hate me forever...and I love her. I love her so Goddamn much!"

His fingers on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white and it was then that I noticed the road we had turned to. It wasn't the right way. Chris was going straight ahead and he already missed the turn we were supposed to take.

"Hey, buddy...I don't think that's the route," I told him as he sped up the car further.

"It's not worth it, Vaughn. I'm not worth it," Chris muttered and I looked at him to find his eyes fixed on the road. There were tears in them as he shoved the gear to the highest level.

"Hey, man, slow down. We can talk about it."

"No, it's...I can't. Not anymore. I'm tired, Vaughn..."

I swallowed a gulp as I recognized the edge in his voice.

Shit! Not today. Not now.

"Chris, slow down." I grabbed the steering wheel but he pushed on my chest, shoving me so hard that my head hit the window on the other side.

Chris sped up the car further, his nostrils flaring and face turning red as he looked ahead on the road. There were cars coming from the other side but Chris went straight ahead, not taking any turns to prevent collisions.


"Chris...did you take your medicines?" I asked, hesitant of the answer.

He didn't say anything but I found the answer in his silence. He didn't take them and whatever she said to him had driven him on edge.

Enemy BelovedWhere stories live. Discover now