Mewtwo didn't know what to say, didn't know what to do. Mew kept throwing accusations, while across the clearing Ash was getting progressively whiter as Mew kept shouting.

"What happened?" Ash asked warily. "What happened to me?"

Mewtwo turned to face him. "It was a mistake. I was fighting with Mew, while clone Pokémon were fighting normal Pokémon. You tried to stop us, and were caught in the middle of the blast. You were killed, but the Pokémon brought you back. I don't know how. Your memory was erased afterwards. That was the first time I met you, before the time on top of Mount Canaa."

Ash felt weak. Alongside him, Espeon rubbed against his hand, comforting him.

"This is how I know you can be trusted." Mew said as she floated next to Mewtwo. "So to answer your question child, I will help you. Not just because I have faith that you do what is right, but also because I know that what you want to do has to be done."

Ash nodded slowly, while Mewtwo stood watching. Mew floated forwards before landing on Ash's shoulder. He turned his head to find Mew gazing into his eyes.

"Child, when this battles starts, the other legendary Pokémon will come, drawn by the fighting with one of their own. I will be ready to be by your side, as will Mewtwo. Hopefully they will listen to us."

"And if they don't?" Ash said, still trying to come to terms with everything he had heard. He knew that he had to be objective, and put what Mew had revealed out of his mind, to concentrate on dealing with the developing crisis.

"Then we will fight with you." Mew said.

"I owe you a great debt." Mewtwo added. "If this helps to pay it off, then I will be honoured."

Ash bowed his head. "Thank you."

There was a moment of silence, broken as Sceptile arrived. Although the Forest Pokémon arrived silently, all four in the clearing turned to face him. It had been a long time since Sceptile had been able to sneak up on Ash, despite trying every time.

"Yes Sceptile?" Ash asked.

"Tile. Sceptile." The Pokémon replied.

"Sam and Mellanie." Espeon translated. Ash's face, already white from the news that he had once died, went even whiter.

"What's happened to them?" Ash asked.

"Sceptile. Scep. Sceptile."

"Nothing." Espeon translated. "They have been talking about you. Trying to investigate your past. Going a long way into it."

Ash sighed. "I'll try to find time to talk to them about this. Probably after the battle. Make sure they don't do anything stupid. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Sceptile."

The Pokémon bowed its head, before turning and vanishing into the forest again. Ash turned back to Mew and Mewtwo, only to find that they had vanished. Shaking his head slightly, he slowly started to walk home.

Professor Samuel Oak walked into the reception of the Pokémon League. The receptionist saw him coming and smiled, before picking up her phone. She spoke into it quickly, and had put it down before he reached her.

"Professor Oak. It is an honour to have you here" the receptionist said.

"Thank you. Can you tell 'Champion' that I am here? I understand that I am a little early but..."

"He is waiting for you. If you take the elevator over there it will take you to him" she said gesturing.

"Oh. Thank you." Oak said, slightly taken aback. "I'll just go then shall I?"

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