"I am simply informing you of facts. If you don't talk, I believe it will be a forgone conclusion. If you show the Pokémon League that you are sorry, then the leaders may not be so determined to execute you."

Giovanni slumped, before straightening up once again. Before he could speak however, Ash's voice cut over him once more. "I am not guaranteeing you anything Giovanni. You deserve to die for your crimes. I am merely ensuring you are aware of all the facts before you make a decision."

Giovanni spat, hitting the front of Ash's shirt. As it rolled down he leaned forwards, his voice becoming a harsh whisper. "I will not give you the satisfaction, 'Champion'. I will not give you anything. I will go to my death with pride." Giovanni sat back up again, his eyes now showing pure anger. "Get out of here 'Champion'. I have nothing to say to you other than I'll see you in hell."

Ash stood up, but didn't turn away. "Correct Giovanni. You have nothing to say to me. Allow me to answer for you. You struck against Silver Stadium because you led a criminal organization who had hoped to have time in the chaos to strengthen. Time you would've had if I didn't already know where your base was. Am I right?"

Giovanni looked absolutely stunned, which was enough confirmation for Ash that Espeon had indeed gotten the truth from Giovanni's mind. He knew that this wasn't evidence he could use in court, but there was more than enough other evidence.

"You didn't hold Cynthia hostage. Agent did. You didn't know where she was. Mewtwo told you that she was Agent's leverage, but he didn't know where she was. And why did you try to kill Mewtwo? Because you are a cold man. You have a record of cruelty to Pokémon, you don't recognize them for the beings they are. They have as much right to live and breathe. In fact, more than you Giovanni."

"How do you know this?" Giovanni shouted. "Why come in here to taunt me if you already knew the answers to your questions? Was this just a game to you?"

The only warning was a slight glint, almost lost in the darkness of the shadow underneath Ash's hat. The Pokémon Master slammed his hands on the table with a deafening crash, causing the table to crack and Giovanni to instinctively recoil as much as he could while still restrained. This time it was Ash's voice that barely made it across the table, but for the first time in the interview there was emotion in the tone. Every word carried venom.

"I came in here to try to help you Giovanni. I said you deserve to die, I didn't say you would. I was also required to give you the chance to give information willingly. Your refusal will be held against you at trial, if you are foolish enough to force it."

Ash turned and strode out of the door, shutting it behind him. Behind him, Giovanni, a man who had never known fear was struggling to come to terms with what had just happened. And for the first time in his life, he felt a stirring inside him. He feared death.

"Come back!" he screamed at the door. "I'll give you anything you want!"

The door opened again, but this time it was an Officer Jenny. "You had your chance" she said firmly. "You are given exactly one chance to give information freely, but you clearly didn't. I'm sorry, but 'Champion' has other things to do than come at your behest." Unchaining his legs, she led him out of the door and back down to his cell.

Ash listened to the shouts of Giovanni, and grimaced. He took no pleasure from listening to the defeated man scream obscenities at the Officer Jenny, him and the Pokémon League in general. But it did confirm what he had suspected. Giovanni wouldn't give him anything willingly. He sighed; it was almost certain to cement his punishment. As he walked down a corridor, Espeon appeared at his side.

"Nothing on Agent?" he asked, and his Pokémon just shook her head. He sighed. It was galling not to know who Agent was, but some mysteries couldn't be solved. He reached a door, and opened it for Espeon. Inside was another single way window, and Alakazam sat meditating. Agent was visible through the glass, a picture of calm like Giovanni had been. Ash sighed again. He didn't want to have to do this, but he had no choice. He shut the door, and turned back down the corridor, opening a different door and walking into the room where Agent sat, bound similarly to Giovanni. The only difference was that Agent had a Psychic Pokémon with him permanently. If he tried to use his own abilities, there would be reinforcements there. Agent wouldn't be able to escape, no matter what he did.

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