"Sign, please," Sam ignored, motioning towards the book.

You signed with a sigh and handed it over. He put both books into his inventory, and instructed you to go through a tunnel of lava after splashing you with fire resistance. He met you on the other side and pulled out a keycard, sliding it into the wall.

"Set your spawn in that bed over there, so that if something goes wrong, I know where to find you," Sam instructed, waiting for you to do as he said before sliding the card out and holding down a button. "The lava will start lowering soon. Stand on the bricks over there and move with the platform. Shout if you need anything - I'll be on this side the entire time when you're ready to come out."

You nodded looking over as the lava slowly drained from the main holding cell. You anxiously waited, twisting your hands before looking back over at Sam. "What am I even supposed to do in there?"

Sam shrugged, pointing for you to turn back. "Quackity's orders. Get to know your prisoner or something."

You nodded once more and turned forward before the platform under you lurched. There was a terrifying moment where you thought you were gonna fall and die a painful death into the lava beneath you, but you found your footing and began to make your way to the main cell. You couldn't see anything in there for a second, but once the moving platform got closer, you could see a man laying on the floor with his legs folded up in a pretzel on the wall. When the platform hit the cell and you walked in, he showed no acknowledgement that he even recognized you were there. It wasn't until the netherite bars were lowered and the lava was back up that he turned to look at you, and you couldn't hold back the gasp that ripped out from your throat.

It was stomach churning to look at.

One eye was dark purple and swollen shut, with crustud blood running along his cheekbone and into his hair, like he had been laying down since it was inflicted. There were two jagged and bloody horns that protruded from his matted dirty blonde hair. His other eye was dark green, but the white was bloodshot beyond belief, the corner of it crusted with the dark red substance. There wasn't a part of him that you could see that didn't have a cut, gash, wound, bruise, or blood on. A few fingernails were ripped off. His lip was cut and swollen. He looked up at you with his bloodied eye, and reached up to tentatively wipe the crusted blood from his obviously broken nose.

"Are you the new guard?"

His voice was hoarse, and it sounded like he croaked more than talked. You watched as he laid there, unable to respond as you took in his state - he was thin and looked frail. Like a gust of wind would be the thing to kill him amongst all those wounds. There was no way this man was the one who caused all that destruction, all that pain.

Dream used his hands to push himself up off the floor and scooted so his back was against the wall. He watched you for a moment before quietly chucking. "Sit down. I'm not gonna bite."

"You've killed people," you replied evenly, looking down at the prisoner that you would be watching out for.

Dream shrugged dismissively. "Everyone has. Sam has. So has Quackity. Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Fundy, Philza, Technoblade - he's killed loads, Sapnap, George, Callahan... Do you want me to keep going?" he asked, rolling his eye before shaking his head. "If Sam tried to put everyone who's done wrong on this server in this prison, there would be no one left, and he would have to lock himself in a cell and throw the key from his reach by the end of it."

You fell quiet again. Dream laughed, but it turned into a hacking cough within a second.

"You're in bad shape," you observed, looking down at the hacking prisoner.

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