Kurt Wagner - Back Home Again

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"Kurt you are going to love Y/N. They are so funny and cool and smart and their powers are so cool and-" Kurt stared at Jubilee confused with her rambling.

"Jubilee! I think he gets it." Peter interrupted the colorful girl. Y/N was coming home from a mission that required them to be out of the country, they had been gone for around 6 months. It's extremely clear that Jubilee was excited for their long awaited arrival. But for the newcomer it was rather nerve wracking.

Kurt has always felt very different than the others. What if this Y/N didn't like him? What if they thought he was a freak like others did? All these thoughts were soaring through his mind making him overwhelmingly nervous. Soon he was distracted from his internal conflict by a high pitched yell.

"HANK! Hank, is she here Hank?" The sparky girl ran up to the poor man who had been questioned multiple times in the past hours.

"Jubilation, I told you that when she gets here I will inform you. Stop asking, she will be here soon enough." Fixing his glasses, Hank quickly walked off mumbling something along the lines of 'Please hurry up before I strangle her'.

Jubilee quietly sat down and impatiently waited. She sat complaining for another five minutes until she heard a booming voice from the front of the house.

"HELLLOOO! Where is my Jubilation Lee at?" At these words Jubilee bolted so fast that she could have been mistaken for Peter. The rest of the group excitedly followed after the blur of colors.

"Y/N! I've missed you so much. There is so much to catch you up on. There is someone new for you to meet. Oh and Alex's brother but you already know him. And-" Jubilee spit out the words faster than the speed of light.

"Jubilee, I have no idea what you said but I am excited. Scott, how are you and your laser beams doing? Hello Jean how have you been? Peter, you better not run off yet I have gifts." Y/N greeted each person but stopped when she saw a new face.

"Oh, must be new, I am Y/N. I like the blue." They flashed Kurt a bright smile. Kurt still felt nervous, but the comment put him a slightly at ease.

"Hello I am Kurt Wagner. It is very nice to meet you, I have heard much about you." He spoke with a thick german accent coating all of his words.

Y/N couldn't help but stare at his flowing tail. They were contemplating whether they should reach out to touch it. They ultimately decided against it, but decided to try again later.

"Well since I'm back let me hand out my gifts. I apologize Kurt, but I had no idea that you would be here. But you can pick the movie we will watch to make up for it." Kurt felt happy to know that he wasn't going to be forgotten this evening.

After all the gifts were passed out, the group settled down for a movie and ice cream. Y/N took a seat next to Kurt bringing over a large blanket for them to share.

"So Kurt what movie are we going to watch?" Y/N looked over to Kurt next to them with a smile. The blanket was spread over the both of them on the couch. With the amount of people they were all smushed closely together.

  "How about (insert movie idk what to pick)?" They all agreed on the movie and started their film. Everyone had their snacks for the movie and it was just past 9:00pm.

  Everyone in the room watching movie enjoyed it very much. Almost two thirds of the way through the movie half of you were asleep. Kurt had fallen asleep next to you and was currently cuddling against you. You didn't mind and just continued to watch the movie.

  "Looks like Y/N has a snuggle buddy." Scott sent a smirk Y/Ns way from his seat while throwing popcorn in the air.

  "Yeah well atleast my snuggle buddy won't accidentally lazer the building in half while I'm sleeping." Scott turn away and huffed a little in annoyance. You grew up with Alex and Scott, so you loved to tease him at every chance you got.

  A while later the movie was finished and the rest of the group was asleep excluding yourself. You moved slowly and gently as to not wake up Kurt. Making sure everyone was comfortable on the couches you began clean up the garbage that had spread across the room.

  After cleaning up after the trash the others had made, making sure everyone had a blanket with space to sleep, you look at the group. Jubilee is sprawled across the floor snoring loudly with her previously styled hair spread all over her face. Jean and Scott are sleeping on the larger sofa together. Peter is hanging half way off a chair in the corner of the room. And Kurt was on the small two seater.

  There was something about Kurt. You gained a soft spot for him in the small amount of time you have known him. You silently walk over to everyone and wish them all a goodnight, fully aware that no one can hear you. When you get to Kurt you give him a soft kiss on the forehead and whisper 'goodnight'.

  "Goodnight Y/N." You look at Kurt to see him nodding off again. A small smile plastered on his face. You quickly walk to your room and fall asleep as soon as your body lands on the bed.

Two weeks later

  You were up semi-early for the first time since you arrived and had decided to bake yourself muffins when you dropped your oven mitt. As you bent down to pick it up you heard voices come into the room. Being the eavesdropper you are, you decided to stay down and listen.

  "Come on you just have to ask them out. It's not like they don't like you, it's obvious to everyone except you." A voice you recognize as Peter spoke quite loudly as he grabbed a piece of bacon on the counter.

  "It's not that easy." A familiar voice spoke next.

  This time the voice you could pinpoint as Scott spoke, "It really is Kurt, if you like Y/N just ask them out." And with that you heard two sets of feet walk out. Slowly you stand back up, only to come eye to eye with Kurt, who looked like he might pass out.

  "Um hi." You say awkwardly. It was painfully obvious that you were in-fact not supposed to hear any of that.

  "Oh Y/N. I assume you heard all of that." Kurt mumbled while glancing down at the food on the counter, unable to meet your gaze.

  "Kurt I would love to go out with you sometime but," I see his eyes falter for a second before I speak again, "you might want to ask Jubilee first. Who knows what she would do if you didn't get her permission." You smile at him waiting for a reaction.

  Kurt looks back up at you slowly with a smirk. He quickly leans over the counter and gives you a peck before bamfing off. You stand there stunned for a second before you hear a loud zap, followed by a yell.

1246 words

I am writing so much today I am very proud. Protective Jubilee🤝my brain. If you enjoy this leave a vote! And as always comment I love seeing them.
*Edited* 11.11.22

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