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~Y/N's POV~

As I woke up to the sound of my alarm I looked up to see Yumeko holding me tightly and smiling in her sleep. I blushed as I tried to get out of her tight grip on me, trying to not wake her up. Eventually giving up and trying to wake her up, she finally got up after 20 minutes of bugging her.

"We could just stay here and sleep you know, we don't HAVE to go to school today." She said tiredly.

"Yeah well also don't HAVE to breathe either do we? Just get ready and stop complaining, I'll even make you breakfast."

"Ooo, breakfast, well I guess if you're making breakfast then we can go to school. I wanna go shopping with you after too, just so we can have fun, is that alright?"

"Sure, I'll leave Ririka be for now."

Yumeko's driver soon came to get us after breakfast, laughing together we saw Ririka waiting outside looking for someone. It was obviously me, so we said our farewells and I walked towards Ririka.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry about how I acted yesterday. I was just upset please don't be mad at me."

"Don't worry I'm not mad, it's fine if you had a rough day, I don't mind if you need time alone."

We hugged before I had to go to class, however, I saw long black hair whip around the corner before leaving.

~Yumeko's POV~

As I stood there hiding while watching Y/N and Ririka, I couldn't help but feel angry as I watched Ririka embrace Y/N with love and affection. I gritted my teeth before walking around the corner going back to school. I wasn't going to lose to a Momobami.

~Time Skip~

Class had ended, Y/N and I were now in the lunchroom. I had brought a bunch of sweets, since I refused to eat anything but that besides fruit. Turning to Y/N when they called my name I was met with sushi roll in front of my face.

"Here Yumeko-san have some! I made it myself."

"Oh okay."

Taking a roll they gently placed in my mouth and waited for an answer.

"Well how is it?"

"It's so good! Can you teach me how to make some?"

"Of course!"

We giggled before continuing to eat our lunches.

~Time Skip~

~Y/N's POV~

I was walking to Ririka's office when the door opened, hitting me before I could move. I fell down and looked up to see Ririka and her sister.

"Ririka, I believe you hit someone."

"They'll be fine. Y/N will live."

I stared in shock as I watched her walk away without even looking at me.

"You could've said sorry!" I shouted from down the hall.

"I don't say sorry to nobodies like you. Oh and by the way, we're done and I don't want to see nor speak to you again."

I sat there on the ground as her words replayed in my head. She never wanted to see me again, she didn't even want to talk. She said she was sorry, but now she's just being mean again.

Getting up and running away I ran into Yumeko. She hugged me as I sobbed into her shoulder, as she tried to pry herself away from my grip to chew Ririka's head off I only held her tighter, begging her not to leave.

"I'm sorry she did that. You don't deserve to be treated in such a poor manner."

"I-It's fine I guess, I just wish she would've said sorry about what she did."

"Lets go, today is about you, I'll buy you whatever you want."

"Yumeko please you don't have to do that-"

"But I want to, so I will, now come one."

~Ririka's POV~

I couldn't believe the words that came from my mouth. I had told Y/N that I didn't care about them and that I wanted to break up. All because of my stupid sister.

Looking at my phone I saw pictures of Y/N with Yumeko. They looked happy, but at the same time heartbroken. I hated it. They were not only heartbroken because of me, but were also with Yumeko.

~Yumeko's POV~

As I took Y/N and I back to my house, I noticed her playing with her fingers nervously.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just, is it bad that I don't care that Ririka broke up with me? I'm so much happier with you and we're not even together."

"No it's not bad, you're supposed to feel however you want to feel. If You don't care then you don't care."

"Thanks Yumeko."

We took off our shoes as we walked inside, sitting down to rest our feet, we decided to watch a movie. It was [insert favorite horror movie]. I thought it was perfect, however Y/N seemed a bit to frightened by it.

"Is it too scary for you?"

"J-just a little."

"Awe... oh well suck it up it's almost over, now come here and lay with me, I'll protect you."

"So mean."

I giggled as they crawled over to me.

~Time Skip~


I woke up on top of Yumeko, the bright sun was shining through the window. I looked at my phone seeing missed calls and more messages than I could count from Ririka.

Putting my phone down and sighing Yumeko put her hand on my head.

"She wouldn't stop calling it was annoying.."

"I wonder what she wanted to call that many time it had to be important."

In a mocking voice Yumeko spoke "Oh Y/N I'm so sorry about yesterday I didn't mean it. Oh please be mine again so I can throw you off a cliff this time."

"Yumeko! That's not funny."

She laughed and I later joined. We layed with eachother while watching movies until late noon.


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Sorry I haven't updated in so long! I've been super busy.
How is everyone?

Word count: 1003

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