Chapter 1 Nightmare

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Franky jolted up after waking up from a nightmare that rattled his bones he had just experienced a terrible nightmare about... NOT BEING ABLE TO DRINK COKE!!! (so sad 😿) He screamed in terror "AHHHHHH THAT WAS NOT SUUUUPER!!" waking the sleeping babe, Zormus. "Bro thanks I was having a nightmare about stampeding naked men!" Zormus thanked the scared cyborg.
Franky explained to the babe how losing the ability to drink coke is like a curse from the devil himself and if he ever lost the ability to he would shit his pants and die on the spot. Zormus expressed his concern and gratitude before calming the cyborg down enough to be able to sleep. The two fell asleep as peaceful as they did when they first lied down. The two men decided to try to go back to sleep so they both lied back down and slept for the rest of the night in peace and quiet.

*Time skip*

"WAKE UP SHIT HEADS and Nami-swan and Robin-chan!" the blonde cook, Sanjathon yelled signaling it was time to rise for breakfast. The first one to rise was the Captain Monkey D. Luffy who could smell the bacon through the closed door of his shared room with Brook. "MEAT!!!" he yelled as always running around before being hit in the back of the head by Nami, the ships navigator who wasn't in the mood to hear his shit in the morning as she does every other day. "Yo ho ho ho!" said Brook (Aka sans) who left his shared room in his whale covered pajamas, he was greeted by Chopper and Usopp who were used to mornings with the crew. Then Franky stepped out of his room in his boxers and a tank top with Zormus closely following. "About time you woke up moss head" said the chef making a snarky comment to Zormus while his bedhead didn't make it any better.
The rest of the crew woke up in the usual mood the atmosphere staying the same as any other day. They all happily ate their breakfast and the crew all thanked Sanjathon, the crew all in a good mood decided to start off their day differently from how it normally is. After partaking in morning baths and showers the crew all met at the front of the Sunny to hear Franky's exciting news. "So, I installed a volleyball net into the Sunny so we have something to do when we are at sea!" The crew jumped in joy, there go the boring days of playing I spy (it was the ocean most of the time).
The crew spent the majority of the day playing volleyball until they reached an island with a town, Nami deciding it would be best to anchor at the island to look for resources.

The busy town was bustling with busy people on their daily commute whether it was to work or school. "WOAH! THIS TOWN IS SO BIG!!" Luffy yelled taking in the sights. They decided to all go their separate ways and maybe even spend some berries on something nice for themselves. Franky went to go look for an shop that sold your average repair equipment hoping to get his hands on some new materials and maybe he would stop by the local store to get some cola. "Oh man it's like a maze here! I can't even find an auto shop." Franky growled in frustration. "Um excuse me are you lost?" asked a tall man with tall flat hair and an orange kimono with two swords on his left hip. "Oh im Kozuki Oden by the way and you are?.." The man asked "Franky a SUUPPER cool cyborg who also happens to be a shipwright." he replied bragging a bit. The two equally fabulous men happened to have quite a bit in common and got along just as well. The men became good friends fast and both got to know each other well before Franky noticed Robin looking for him. "Oh man looks like I have to go" the cyborg grumbled "But hey maybe they'll let you tag along, I'm sure Zormus wouldn't mind giving up his part of the bed for you to join us on our adventure for a bit." Franky ensured.

*Time Skip*

The crew decided having a friend of Franky's on board wouldn't be the worst thing and Zormus even reluctantly lent his room to Oden deciding to sleep on a couch in the main room. The crew all had dinner and celebrated having a new ally aboard the Sunny and honored Odens presence. "Woo! This is so fun! Who new having somebody new aboard would need such the celebration!" Luffy Cheered "Yo ho ho ho! You're right captain this is amazing!" Brook agreed before hitting another 40 degree angle. They crew danced the night away getting drunk and having fun. (bro stfu i know some members are underage but this is the 1500's drinking laws aren't a thing also drink responsibly) Franky showed his new friend Oden, that he had grown quite fond of and even had slight feelings for the place he would be sleeping in. After they glt comfortable they had a normal night as bros do and slept until morning.

*Time Skip*

It was a usual morning for the crew the only difference was that Oden was there. They had gotten along quite well and while at sea they got to know Oden and each other even more while playing games and sharing drinks and opinions. The day flew by to another evening of partying and overall enjoyment, they were as happy as can be and as any other night they went to bed to sleep until Sanjathon woke them the next morning or it would be like that for most of them except Franky and Oden... "Oden-kun This is embarrassing to say but I-I think I've started to develop feelings for you." Franky said his face beet red "F-Franky I've been wanting to say the same thing but I couldn't form the words... Please Franky-senpai have me for I am yours!"

-Chapter End-

Franky x Kozuki Oden (Oneshot) (republished)Where stories live. Discover now